Cursor - Multiple Writes

  • Morning,

    I have a cursor which joins 3 tables. I then examine each line and write to a DIFFERENT table depending on what each attribute value is. Part of the code is shown below.

    IF @Stream1 <> '999'


             INSERT INTO cvb_PDM_Streams (pdmID, StreamId) values (@pdsFileName_AUTO, @Stream1)



       IF @Stream2 <> '999'


             INSERT INTO cvb_PDM_Streams (pdmID, StreamId) values (@pdsFileName_AUTO, @Stream2)



    My problem is that after one line has been written to the table cvb_PDM_Streams I am told that all future attempted writes are invalid as I am entering a duplicate primary key - (Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_cvb_PDM_Streams'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'cvb_PDM_Streams'.

    The statement has been terminated.)

     The table I am writing to has two attributes and together they make up a joint PK. Looking at the data produced by the join, there is not any duplicate data and therefore a duplicate PK is not possible. It is as if SQL was trying to write the same line twice.

    Thoughts welcomed. Thanks.


  • What are the values of @Stream1 and @Stream2

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Doh! As soon as you post, the fog lifts. I had an END before FETCH NEXT rather than after it! Seems to be working OK now. Thanks anyway.



    PS the values are all INT

  • 1.  in the code posted you are not writing to 2 different tables.

    2. try to stay away from cursors....(bad, bad, here for reasons why this is true 99.99% of the time).  you would be far better off writing 2 different select statements on the lines of.

    insert into tablea (col1,col2,col3, etc) select acol1, acol2, acol3, etc from intablea where @instream = '999'

    and then

    insert into tableb (col1,col2,etc) select bcol1, bcol2, etc from intableb where @instream <> '999'


    cursors are like using tweezers to put sugar grains in a cup of tea....far easier to use a spoon!

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