Cursor Help Please - well...I think I need a cursor.

  • I am completely unfamiliar with cursors but I think I need one now.  I am going through BOL...which is how I found info on cursors, but I am still a bit unclear.

    I am trying to insert values into a table with a select on another table.  However, one of the values needs to autoincrement a key id concatenated with a string.


    INSERT INTO EmpLicns (ElcEEID, ElcLicenseID, ElcNumber, ElcSystemID)

    select EecEEID, 'DRIVER' as ElcLicenseID, EecUDField04, 'User'+1 as ElcSystemID

    FROM EmpComp

    My problem is that ElcSystemID needs to say User1, User2, User3, etc.  Can someone help?



  • you could always stage into a temp table:

    SELECT IDENTITY( INT, 1, 1) as seq

           ,* --column list

      INTO #stage

      FROM sourcetable

    INSERT INTO destinationtable( column list)

       SELECT ..., 'user'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), seq)

          FROM #stage


  • select EecEEID, 'DRIVER' as ElcLicenseID, EecUDField04,

    ElcSystemID='user' + cast(((select count(*) from EmpComp as emp where emp.EecEEID<EmpComp.EecEEID) +1) as varchar)

    FROM EmpComp

    order by EecEEID

  • without temp tables, make sure it is sorted:

    INSERT INTO EmpLicns (ElcEEID, ElcLicenseID, ElcNumber, ElcSystemID)

    select EecEEID, 'DRIVER' as ElcLicenseID, EecUDField04,

    ElcSystemID='user' + cast(((select count(*) from EmpComp as emp where emp.EecEEID<EmpComp.EecEEID) +1) as varchar)

    FROM EmpComp

    order by EecEEID


  • Thanks to you both.  Both solutions worked properly.


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