Cursor fetch on linked Servers

  • Hi, can someone please let me know how I can code a select statement within a cursor that can select from the same table name across a number of linked servers,without it pulling the results back from the local server.

    So far I have a simple cursor coded as :-

    DECLARE @server_id nchar(10)



            SELECT servername from local_server                   -- table holding all server name


                    OPEN server_cursor


            FETCH NEXT FROM server_cursor INTO @server_id


            WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    select @server_id as [Server],



    from backoff.dbo.plu                                                -- this is the area causing the problem


                FETCH NEXT FROM server_cursor INTO @server_id


    This gives results back but repeatedly performs the query locally, so returns the same result set for each row in 'local_server'

    If instead of   'from backoff.dbo.plu'  I code  '@server_id.from backoff.dbo.plu' it doesnt like the syntax and is clearly not an option.  So I wanted to find out how to do this bearing in mind there are upwards of 100 servers to query.

    Thanks very much

  • You will need dynamic sql for this

    DECLARE @Statement nvarchar(2000)

    SET @Statement =N'SELECT '+ convert(nvarchar(150),@server_id) + N' as [Server] ,



    from '+ convert(nvarchar(150),@server_id) + N'.backoff.dbo.plu'

    EXECUTE master.dbo.sp_executesql @Statement

  • Thanks for that Jo,

    The problem with this is that the set @statement is creating a statement such as

    select ust980101 as [Server], plunum, pludesc  etc....  Instead of swapping the @server_id for the actual server id.  So its coming back saying ust980101 is an invalid column.  Is there a way of coding it so it takes the value of server_id and uses it at run time rather than take it as a literal when compiling the statement. Hope thats clear ?


  • You can fill the server variable with a loop. (cursor) SET @ServerID=@OtherVariable

    Can you write a couple of statements of wanted output for the statement to execute?

  • Hi Jo, thanks for your help on this.

    Excuse my ignorance but I dont quite understand what you mean by the first statement (ie filling the variable with a loop?)

    What I'm looking for if I ran it locally would be :-

    select @@servername,



    from backoff.dbo.plu

    This will work locally, but once you run it against a linked server, it will still pick up the result of @@servername from the local server.

    I need something where I can run a query from the 'plu' table on each server, but at the same time add the linked server name that it ran against. If I don't add the server, the results can be the same and I cant differentiate the rows by server.

  • Something like this?

    /*WILL hold names of linked servers*/

    CREATE table #linkedservers


    SRV_NAME sysname NULL /*Name of the linked server. */

    ,SRV_PROVIDERNAME nvarchar(128) NULL/*Friendly name of the OLE DB provider managing access to the specified linked server. */

    ,SRV_PRODUCT nvarchar(128) NULL/*Product name of the linked server. */

    ,SRV_DATASOURCE nvarchar(4000) NULL/* OLE DB data source property corresponding to the specified linked server. */

    ,SRV_PROVIDERSTRING nvarchar(4000)  NULL/* OLE DB provider string property corresponding to the linked server. */

    ,SRV_LOCATION nvarchar(4000) NULL /*OLE DB location property corresponding to the specified linked server. */

    ,SRV_CAT sysname NULL


    INSERT #linkedservers









    EXEC sp_linkedservers

    DECLARE @Statement nvarchar(2000) /*to hold SQL-STATEMENT*/

    DECLARE @server_id nvarchar(150)



    FROM #linkedservers


    OPEN curmyLinkedServers

    FETCH NEXT FROM curmyLinkedServers into @server_id



    /*building up dynamic sql*/

    SET @Statement =N'SELECT '''+ convert(nvarchar(150),@server_id) + N''' as [Server] ,



    from '+ convert(nvarchar(150),@server_id) + N'.backoff.dbo.plu'

    /*executing dynamic sql using format linkedserver.database.owner.object*/

    EXECUTE master.dbo.sp_executesql @Statement

    FETCH NEXT FROM curmyLinkedServers into @server_id


    CLOSE curmyLinkedServers

    DEALLOCATE curmyLinkedServers

    DROP TABLE #linkedservers

  • That seems to have done the trick!!  Thanks ever so much for your persistence Jo 

  • You're welcome.

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