cursor alternatives?

  • i have a cursor to compare the previous row dates to the current row dates to ensure they do not overlap, for each customer, e.g

    GOOD DATA: (the start date of row 2 is greater than the end date of row 1)

    RowId CustId StartDate EndDate

    1 1234 01-jan-99 01-feb-99

    2 1234 02-feb-99 02-mar-99

    BAD DATA: (the start date of row 2 is less than the end date of row 1)

    RowId CustId StartDate EndDate

    1 1234 01-jan-99 01-feb-99

    2 1234 10-jan-99 02-mar-99

    i know this is uneconomic and is hugely resource hungry, but is there any alternative to compare each row?

    (There are about 20k rows within this table, with 3k distinct CustId's)

  • Something like this ?...

    select * from yourtable tab1 join yourtable tab2

    on tab1.rowid <> tab2.rowid

    and tab1.custid = tab2.custid

    and tab1.StartDate between tab2.Startdate and tab2.EndDate

    Clear Sky SQL
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  • yes dave almost identical to something i had just before lunch!




    customer as main


    customer as sub


    main.rowid <> sub.rowid


    main.startdate between sub.startdate and sub.enddate

  • Just keep in mind that Between is inclusive and that sometimes causes problems with datetime columns in SQL Server since SQL Server stored everything as Date AND time so 1/1/2009 is stored as 1/1/2009 00:00:00.000.

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