Current Status of MergePullSubscription

  • Hi There,

    Another fun day of SQLDMO programming and pounding my head against the object model diagram wondering why it doesn't seem to give me what I need.

    Two processes I need to check, one to determine if the snapshot on the publisher is finished, the other to determine if the pull on the subscriber has finished.

    First one:

     Set SQLServer = Server.CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

     SQLServer.LoginTimeout = 15

     SQLServer.Connect db,usr,pwd

     For Each oDB In SQLServer.Replication.ReplicationDatabases

      For Each oPublication In oDB.MergePublications

       Do while oPublication.SnapshotAvailable = FALSE






     Set SQLServer = Nothing

    I haven't figured out how to get the SPECIFIC snapshot job but since there are only two and they both need to be completed it works out using SQLServer.Replication.ReplicationDatabases.

    The problem is on the subscriber side... I just cant figure out the coding.  I thought it SHOULD be under Replication.MergePullSubscriptions but I can find the name of the job but not its status.

    Examples of this stuff are damn scarce, so any help would be appreciated....  I basically need to do the same thing as I do above, I need to poll the subscription and wait on it to finish before I continue along.




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  • only two ways i know . . . both return a query result set:

    sql-dmo - "EnumJobInfo" method

    stored proc - "sp_helpmergepullsubscription"

    both are in bol.


    Ok, I got it figured out.  I had 3 things going against me


    for each oItem in SQLServer.JobServer.Jobs

         If instr(1,oItem.Name,"DYNAMIC") Then

              Do while oItem.CurrentRunStatus = SQLDMOJobExecution_Executing




         End If


    Ok, so first off CurrentRunStatus=1 doesn't work.  Needs to be CurrentRunStatus=SQLDMOJobExecution_Executing

    A curse on all enumerated type variables

    Second, you actually need to refresh the job status with oItem.Refresh since its not a realtime status.

    Lastly, even after I had this part working, I still needed to put a 10 second delay at beginning of it because the pullsubscription job hadn't been created yet from the previous step.

    Now I know why people get paid so damn much money to design this stuff...




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