
  • Hi Experts,

    I have a databae and only one table in that ..I inserted 10 million records to that table .Database size increased to 4096.81 MB(358MB for mdf and

    3,739MB for ldf)..

    Now i truncated the whole table and stillits showing the same size..Why??

    Is it possible to rollback the data??

  • TRUNCATE is a logged operation, can be rolled back. Check the following article[/url] from MVP Pinal Dave.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • HI Sudeep,

    Both Truncate and delte are logged the difference in this sense is truncate is minimally logged ...u can roll back both..

  • Operations within tempdb are logged so that transactions on temporary objects can be rolled back, but the records in the log contain only enough information to roll back a transaction, not to recover (or redo) it.

    Shivrudra W

  • Ratheesh.K.Nair (8/5/2010)

    Hi Experts,

    Now i truncated the whole table and stillits showing the same size..Why??

    Just because you delete the data, it does not return the space to the operating system. The table may be empty but the space has already been allocated to the database for use. The only reason why the database will shrink in physical size if you do a DBCC SHRINKFILE or DBCC SHRINKDB.

  • Thanks Steve and Shiva..

    Will DBCC cleantable helps in this situation??

  • No. Why do you think it would?

    The only things that shrink a file are DBCC ShrinkDatabase, DBCC ShrinkFile and auto_shrink. Without using one of those (which is, in general, a bad idea), deleting data makes the space reusable by other objects in the database.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • As Gails Shaw advised DBCC CLEANTABLE can not help you.

    DBCC CLEANTABLE reclaims space after a variable-length column ( varchar, nvarchar) is dropped.

    You can just try;

    1. Before truncating the table

    sp_spaceused N'tableName'

    2. Truncate the table

    3. Corrects pages and row count inaccuracies in the catalog views

    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE(dbname,"tablename")

    4. sp_spaceused N'tableName'

    Compare the results of step 1 and step 4.

    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

  • sivaprasad (8/6/2010)

    3. Corrects pages and row count inaccuracies in the catalog views

    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE(dbname,"tablename")

    Not needed on SQL 2008. There were errors in the algorithms that maintained the page usage back in SQL 2000. Those errors were corrected in SQL 2005.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks Gail for letting me know this feature.

    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

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