Cube size Vs Storage Space size

  • Database: Foodmart 2000 (Sample Database)

    Cube : Sales

    Step 1) Process the cube with default settings.

    The size of the Cube is 1.37 MB.

    Right click on the Sales Cube and choose Design Storage. The Storage Design Wizard welcome screen is displayed. Click next to get to the next screen. It displays Aggregations already exists with the following info -

    The partition has the following data storage and aggregation settings:

    Data Storage Type: MOLAP

    Aggregation Storage Space: 0.070 MB

    Number of Aggregations: 9

    Choose the Replace the existing aggregations. Click next and choose MOLAP as the type of data storage in the next screen. In the Set Aggregation Options screen, choose Performance gain reaches - 50% and click on start. The following message is displayed: 91 aggregations designed (7.5 MB, 50%).

    Click to get to the next screen and choose Process.

    Step 2) The size of the Cube has now increased to 2.00 MB.

    Right click on the Sales Cube and choose Design Storage. The Storage Design Wizard welcome screen is displayed. Click next to get to the next screen. It says Aggregations already exists with the following info -

    The partition has the following data storage and aggregation settings:

    Aggregation Storage Space: 68.988 MB

    Number of Aggregations: 91

    Can someone explain why there is a difference between the Cube size and the Aggregation storage space size?

    Is it the maximum size that will be used for aggregation?

    In step 2, why is it that the Aggregation Storage Space is 68.988 MB instead of 7.5MB for the same number of aggregations?

    Thanks in Advance!!!

  • In your MSOLAP dir:

    • FoodMart 2000\Sales\ is the cube
    • FoodMart 2000\Sales\ is your aggregations

    These files will be different in cubes with changeing dimensions or HOLAP/ROLAP aggregations

    The figures given by the aggregation designer are very crude estimates at best, and cannot be trusted

    Keith Henry

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

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