Cube report #error issue

  • Hi, All

    My report dataset contains 3 date fields,, date1, date2, date diff

    datediff field formula is "=cdec(DateDiff(DateInterval.Day,Fields!Date.Value,Fields!Date2.Value))*(-1)"

    and the expression for this datediff column in report is "=Avg(Fields!DateDiff.Value)"

    Reasoncode->Notification->Material date1 date2 datediff

    213->875869->some product 03.01.2013 03.01.2013 31.7

    this is the format of old report.

    1.we have created a new cube basing on few drawbacks of old cube , and now we need generate all existing reports by pointing to the new cube.

    2.changes are like dimension structure, removing/adding attributes and measures,

    changes in hierarchies.

    3.we are just copying the old report datasets, datasources and pointing to new cube and doing changes in mdx script according to the modifications.

    4.after applying all the changes when clicked preview I got #Error in datediff column.

    what could be the reason for this error.

    I kept expressions of this datediff columns same.

    is there anything with below changes of dim.

    Old cube : [ Date DIM].[Date Hierarchy ].[Date].&[1900-01-01]

    New cube : [ Date DIM].[Date Hierarchy ].[Date].&[1900-01-01T00:00:00]

    suggest something if anyone knows.



  • Are the latencies in data similar? In your old report you may have had access to up to the minute data whereas in the new cube current is defined as up to last night at midnight. Also consider MDX does not use the exact date functions as SSRS.


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