Cube Proecssing taking time due to Reference Dimension

  • CUBE has 3 fact tables and dimensions , the Fact1 is act like a dimension for other two fact tables FACT2AND FACT3 using Reference Dimension.

    FACT1 has dimension like Gender, OCCUPATION, Nationality, Alien Status, Alien Type etc.,

    The same Dimension I need to use in FACT2 AND FACT3 tables using Reference Dimension.

    So I am using FACT1 as a reference dimension.

    Processing Time: Full process taking 2 hours and 40 min. if am doing process data its taking more than 5 hrs.

    Primary Keys:

    •Having PK on Fact1 table

    •PK for FACT3 and index on Fact1 table join field


    •FACT1=23 MILLION,

    •FACT2=170 MILLION



    The same cube took 1 hour and 30 min. in production for 10 days after that I have changed measure group process instead of whole cube then the problem was started. So again I have change process type to whole cube taking more than 4 hrs.

    So please let me know what exactly the issue was and your suggestions.

    The other fact tables in other cubes which is more than 100 million is processing within 30 min.

  • Uncheck the Materialize option in the Dimension Designer Tab will solve your problem

  • Uncheck the Materialize option in the Dimension Designer Tab will solve your problem

  • Uncheck the Materialize option in the Dimension Designer Tab will solve your problem

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