Cube not refreshing.

  • AS  and RS 2005


    My cube is built on views both for dimensions and the fact table.


    I am using reporting services and the report i have designed works fine except it does not update when i change the data. I can see the change in a select from the view so it is definitly there. It does refresh if i reprocess the cube. This happens in rolap as well as molap.


    Any Ideas?[/url]

  • Jules,

    Cube is not updated automatically when underlying data changes. You do need to reporcess the cube to reflect changes

  • But isnt it possible to make the cube real time as in jholap or rolap which listens for changes and updates automatlically? Is this not possible if your dimensions and fact table are views.[/url]

  • The "cube" is simply a database. There is no automatic update process unless you create one. The cube pulls data (and metadata) from the views you defined on command and stores them in most solutions.

    You might investigate proactive caching which would create an almost real-time environment. I have read about this, but not created one.

    You could Google "real time BI" or start with a link:


    Good luck!


  • Hi

    If you do want to look at re-process your cube you can look at DTS and the Analysis Services Processing Task. 




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