CTE where amount is > +- 10%

  • I am trying to do a trending query that will take an actual production count and compare that to the average daily count for that day. I then want a value (in this case the percent) to come back if the amount is + or - 10

    Here is what I have so far:

    WITH ProductionCnt


    ,COUNT(srs.ProviderID) AS [Count]

    FROM healthmaster.inv.SurveyRespondentToSurvey srs


    and srs.SourceCode = 'HGRDSURVEY'



    AS (SELECT da.DataSourceShortDescription


    ,CAST(da.AvgSurveys AS INT) AS [Count]

    FROM BUODS1_20140201.dbo.DailyAverage da

    WHERE da.DayOfWeekName = DATENAME(dw, GETDATE())

    AND DataSourceShortDescription = 'HGRDSURVEY'


    SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(16, 2), (CAST(ProductionCnt.Count AS FLOAT)

    - CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT))

    / CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT) * 100) AS Pctdiff

    FROM ProductionCnt

    INNER JOIN AvgCnt ON AvgCnt.DayOfWeekName = ProductionCnt.Todays_Date

    WHERE AvgCnt.DayOfWeekName = DATENAME(dw, GETDATE())

    AND avgCnt.DataSourceShortDescription = 'HGRDSURVEY'

    AND CONVERT(DECIMAL(16, 2), (CAST(ProductionCnt.Count AS FLOAT)

    - CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT))

    / CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT) * 100) > 10 or AvgCnt.DayOfWeekName = DATENAME(dw, GETDATE())

    AND avgCnt.DataSourceShortDescription = 'HGRDSURVEY'

    AND CONVERT(DECIMAL(16, 2), (CAST(ProductionCnt.Count AS FLOAT)

    - CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT))

    / CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT) * 100) > -10

    I keep returning no value but if I take off the last AND clause and get the actual value back it's -89.22. I know the issue is with the last and clause I'm just not sure what I'm missing in this query.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • I'm apparently not awake this morning. I found the solution. My less then should have been -89 < -10 instead of <

  • Hi

    You could wrap your percentage calculation up in an absolute and just check that it's greater than 10.


    AND ABS((CAST(ProductionCnt.Count AS FLOAT) - CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT)) / CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT) * 100) > 10


    Also I removed the convert as it's not required. Your whole where clause could then be written

    WHERE AvgCnt.DayOfWeekName = DATENAME(dw, GETDATE())

    AND avgCnt.DataSourceShortDescription = 'HGRDSURVEY'

    AND ABS(CAST(ProductionCnt.Count AS FLOAT) - CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT)) / CAST(avgcnt.Count AS FLOAT) * 100) > 10

  • Thanks so much for the tips! I'm pretty new at SQL Server so I love the tips.

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