Crosstab query question

  • In one project, I need to create some cross tab reports.

    For example, from one table in which there are three columns: CostumerName, OrderDate and Amount

    Each month, OrderDate will move one month automatically like:(I solved this input issue)

    For Jun 2012, OrderDate is:05/01/2011-04/30/2012;

    For July 2012, OrderDate is:06/01/2011-05/31/2012;

    And so on...

    The report need to display one year amount like:

    CostumerName---201105---201106---201107 ... 201204



    I used to do it manually.

    Is it possible to make automation processing working?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I don't know if this is really what you're looking for, but I took a stab for fun.

    First, I loaded up some test data...

    CREATE TABLE #Orders


    OrderID INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    CustomerName VARCHAR(5),

    OrderDate DATE,

    YearMonth VARCHAR(6),

    OrderTotal NUMERIC(12,2)


    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)


    ('AAA', '05/15/2011', 175.00)

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 8, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 55

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 12, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 55

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 16, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 88

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 41, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 107

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 60, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 207

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 83, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 350

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 92, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 516

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT CustomerName, DATEADD(dd, 101, OrderDate), OrderTotal + 721

    FROM #Orders

    INSERT INTO #Orders

    (CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderTotal)

    SELECT 'BBB', DATEADD(dd, 1, OrderDate), OrderTotal -17

    FROM #Orders

    UPDATE #Orders

    SET YearMonth = CAST(YEAR(OrderDate) AS VARCHAR)

    + RIGHT('0' + CAST(MONTH(OrderDate) AS VARCHAR), 2)

    Then, I coded up a dynamic pivot query for you...


    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @StartDate DATE


    SET @StartDate = '05/01/2011'

    SET @EndDate = '04/30/2012'

    SELECT @CSV = COALESCE(@CSV + ', ','') + QUOTENAME(YearMonth)

    FROM (


    FROM #Orders

    WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

    ) D

    SET @sql = '

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT CustomerName, YearMonth, OrderTotal FROM #Orders) AS D

    PIVOT(SUM(OrderTotal) FOR YearMonth IN(' + @CSV + ')) AS P;'

    EXEC (@SQL)

    Is this what you want?

  • Thank you for help.

    I studied and ran it but got an error:

    Msg 325, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near 'PIVOT'. You may need to set the compatibility level of the current database to a higher value to enable this feature

  • Since this is the 2008 forum, I would guess you would be okay running this:EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'DatabaseName', 100

    ... but you should run that by any DBAs you may have available.

  • Thank you so much.

    I ran it in my local 2008 express, it works great!

  • Just wondering, but why do you need to do the crosstab inside SQL Server? If you create a Matrix report, you can do a crosstab there and it's stupid easy... you can run a wizard to do it...

  • Hi Jeffem,

    If I want to get sum of 12 months, how to modify your existing code?

  • adonetok (6/6/2012)

    Hi Jeffem,

    If I want to get sum of 12 months, how to modify your existing code?

    Try this...


    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @StartDate DATE


    SET @StartDate = '05/01/2011'

    SET @EndDate = '04/30/2012'

    SELECT @CSV = COALESCE(@CSV + ', ','') + QUOTENAME(YearMonth)

    FROM (


    FROM #Orders

    WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

    ) D

    SET @sql = '

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT CustomerName, YearMonth, OrderTotal,

    (SELECT SUM(OrderTotal)

    FROM #Orders

    WHERE CustomerName = O.CustomerName

    AND OrderDate BETWEEN ''' +

    CAST(@StartDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + ''' AND ''' +

    CAST(@EndDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + '''

    ) AS Total FROM #Orders O) AS D

    PIVOT(SUM(OrderTotal) FOR YearMonth IN(' + @CSV + ')) AS P;'

    EXEC (@SQL)

  • Thak you very much.

    It works.

    Since the date is controled by @CSV I deleted the following statement in @sql.

    AND OrderDate BETWEEN ''' +

    CAST(@StartDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + ''' AND ''' +

    CAST(@EndDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + '''

  • adonetok (6/7/2012)

    Thak you very much.

    It works.

    Since the date is controled by @CSV I deleted the following statement in @sql.

    AND OrderDate BETWEEN ''' +

    CAST(@StartDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + ''' AND ''' +

    CAST(@EndDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + '''

    Feel free to remove that portion, but then you'll be getting a total for ALL records for the Customer, not just the individual months shown from @CSV. Take the monthly results and sum them in Excel (or whatever is simplest for you), and you'll see that the Total without this OrderDate filter is incorrect.

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