May 10, 2002 at 7:24 am
Im trying to get transactional replication to work between two different domains across a private T1 link. I can ping the subscriber from the publisher by IP and vice versa. When I run the distribution agent (and specifying sql login/password/securitymode) it still fails to connect to the subscriber. Even openrowset fails, when I do this:
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB',subscriber ip here';'andytest';'andytest',
'SELECT * FROM andy_repltest.dbo.sysobjects') AS a
Gives me:
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Client unable to establish connection]
[DBNMPNTW]ConnectionOpen (CreateFile()).
Got a few things going on today, so this will have to wait a bit. Any ideas?
May 10, 2002 at 8:22 am
Silly question I know, but I presume you have checked the netlibs ie your servers are using named pipes (ie DBNMPNTW as per your error message)
May 10, 2002 at 8:48 am
Not silly. That makes sense. Sort of...wouldnt they have to have removed TCPIP as an available protocol? I dont have access to the Server Network Utility yet, waiting on userid/password to get into Terminal Services. Definitely have it available on my side.
May 10, 2002 at 8:55 am
From your error message I would say that your client is trying to use named pipes, not tcpip (the netlibrary in the error message is a nice easy way of telling what protocol it is trying to use)
You could always use the client network utility from your pc and force a protocol one by one by setting up an alias.
Then use query analzyer to connect. That way you could find out what they use, then set your server up the same way once you find a match.
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