Cross-database keys?

  • I was thinking about keeping different "applications" in separate databases (mainly because the names get mashed a lot without much effort), eg:

    • CORE

    • Customers
    • Sites
    • Contacts
    • Accounting
  • Externals
    • RawWeatherData
    • RawBillData
    • RawInventories
  • Equipment
    • Site_Equipment
    • Maintenance
    • Schedules
    • Real-Time-Data (growing at ~1GB/day)

    I figure this would

    1. Let me "plug in" applications as they are done without worrying about naming conflicts
    2. Keep that 1GB/day table away from all the read-mostly data
    3. Make the code more organized

    I just tried to implement site_equipment (which should have a foreign key from siteID to Core.dbo.sites.siteID), but it appears that foreign keys cannot cross databases (even if they're on the same server)   I also tried to make a view, but foreign keys can't go to views either (and I think that might be bad from a performance standpoint).

    Any tips, or am I just barking up the wrong tree doing this?

  • instead of trigger may help.

  • or a classic after trigger on the table containing the foreign key - it can do a quick select to check if any rows are being inserted (or updated - still use the inserted table) in the foreign table that have no corresponding primary key in the primary table in the other database.  If it finds missing rows - then it issues a rollback command.

  • "... am I just barking up the wrong tree doing this?"

    Ahhh ... in word ... yes.

    Wouldn't having the "code more organized" remove most of your naming conflicts?

    I would think the downside of having everything in one database is a lot smaller when you consider the additional maintenance and performance requirements for all those triggers.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • >Wouldn't having the "code more organized" remove most of your naming conflicts?

    >I would think the downside of having everything in one database is a lot smaller when you consider the >additional maintenance and performance requirements for all those triggers.

    Yowza... thats why I was hoping I was just doing the Foreign Key constraint wrong... triggers have their place, but I don't want to be adding them willy-nilly.  So I guess this also means that you can't have a Foreign Key on a Linked/Remote database?  How do you enforce referential integrity with things like "Distributed Partitioned" data (BOL: Distributed Partitioned Views)?

    The other thing it would let me do (which is why I thought of this in the first place) is develop modules "outside" of the "active" databases and when its done, just add an entry to something like core..activedatabases.  That way I keep tables/sprocs/things like sp_FrobNitz and tbl_wtf out of the production database.  I guess the right way to do this is to have separate servers for Production and Development...

    Right now, I'm working with a database with over 400 (which doesn't seem like all that much to me) tables in it; the problem is that the naming convention is bass-ackwords so it scrambles them nicely (eg: the sprocs have their actions as a prefix, so all the upd_xxx are together instead of something like customers_upd, customers_add, etc).  The tables are "logically" named, but their name doesn't lend itself well to grouping.


  • You can investiage using GUID (uniqueidentifier) as the PK (primary key) and FK (foreign key).

    And look into "link servers".

    You can't get a "real" PK/FK relationship accross databases.

    However, you could hack it if you wanted.

    DB1.Emp(table).EmpId ,



    where empid is a guid.

    Then in db 2, you have a some table that is a copy (of only) the PK


    (where this is the only column in that table)

    Then everything in DB2 bases its ref integrity on that column.

    Its a hack , I don't recommend it, but am offering an idea.



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