Cross Apply query problem

  • I have a cross apply query I have performed on my table that has data that looks like this:

    Name      Function      Line      State      Contact      Address
    IYE          CR              COM      NY          Sarah       111 Jones Str
    IYE          DM              MCR      CA          Sarah       111 Jones Str
    IYE          UM              MCD      FL           Sarah       111 Jones Str

    I did my cross apply query and because the function, line, and state are char it ends up looking like this

    Name     Function                                    Line                                                  State                                            Contact     Address
    IYE         CR     ,     DM     ,     UM     ,     COM     ,     MCR     ,     MCD     ,     NY     ,     CA     ,     FL     ,          Sarah        111 Jones Str

    I am trying to make it look like:
    Name     Function          Line                        State                Contact     Address
    IYE        CR, DM, UM    COM, MCR, MCD   NY, CA, FL      Sarah        111 Jones Str

     I have tried substr ltrim rtrim and nothing seems to work. I have tried incorporating the 3 in my original cross apply and then after the fact when I put the cross apply into another SQL table. I have over all 7910 rows and with the cross apply end up down to 698 rows making the Name distinct and then cross applying everything else

  • We can't tell you what is wrong with your query if you don't provide your query.  You should also post data in a CONSUMABLE format.  That is, post a script that will insert your data into a table (preferably a temp table or table variable) as outlined in the first link in my signature.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Apart from a few commas here and there, your two rows of results look the same. Try to imagine yourself looking at your post for the first time – it's very difficult to offer any meaningful advice, based on what you've given us. Were you expecting us to somehow fix your absent query?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • I figured it out. Now just need to code for the trailing comma. I thought the information would come over without making it look like it does above. However it did not so I will attach the file with add to see the before, during, after and then also post my code to help others.

    select distinct DelegatesName, MSOName, delegatesfunctions as DelegatesFunction, lobabbrevs as LOBAbbrev, markets as Market, ContactNames as ContractName, addressline1s as AddressLine1, AddressLine2s as AddressLine2,

    Citys as City, States as State, ZipCodes as ZipCode, Phones as Phone, ContactPhoneExts as ContactPhoneExt, ContactEmails as ContactEmail, DelegatesServiceDescs as DelegateServiceDesc, Onsite, VendorAuditLocations as VendorAuditLocation,

    ICEAffiliation, CurrentStatuss as CurrentStatus, accreditationmanagernames as AccreditationManagerName, Fax, DelegatesWebsite, Origins as Origin, SubDelegateNames as SubDelegateName,

    DelegatePhysicalAddress1s as DelegatePhysicalAddress, DelegatePhysicalAddress2s as DelegatePhysicalAddress2, DelegatePhysicalCitys as DelegatePhysicalCity, delegatephysicalzipcodes as DelegatePhysicalZipCode,

    DelegatePhone2, accreditationheldncqas as AccreditationHeldNCQA, DoestheDelegateSubDelegates as DoestheDelegatesSubDelegate, CurrentAuditStatus, ContractEffDate, contracttermdate

    into anthemq.dbo.DelegatesReport

    from anthemq.dbo.delegates d1

    cross apply ( select distinct

    left(delegatesfunction, len(delegatesfunction)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.delegates d2

    where d1.delegatesname = d2.delegatesname

    for XML path ('')) as t2 (delegatesfunctions)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(lobabbrev, LEN(lobabbrev)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t3 (lobabbrevs)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(market, len(market)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t4 (markets)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(contactname, len(contactname)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t5 (contactnames)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(addressline1, len(addressline1)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t7 (addressline1s)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(addressline2, len(addressline1)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t8 (addressline2s)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(city, len(city)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t9 (citys)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(state, len(state)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t10 (states)

    cross apply (select distinct

    LEFT(zipcode, len(zipcode)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t11 (zipcodes)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(phone, len(phone)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t12 (phones)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(contactphoneext, len(contactphoneext)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t13 (contactphoneexts)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(contactemail, len(contactemail)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t14 (contactemails)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(currentstatus, len(currentstatus)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t15 (currentstatuss)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(delegatesservicedesc, len(delegatesservicedesc)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t16 (delegatesservicedescs)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(subdelegatename, LEN(subdelegatename)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t17 (subdelegatenames)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(accreditationmanagername, len(accreditationmanagername)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t18 (accreditationmanagernames)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(vendorauditlocation, len(vendorauditlocation)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t19 (vendorauditlocations)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(origin, len(origin)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t20 (origins)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(delegatephysicaladdress1, len(delegatephysicaladdress1)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t21 (delegatephysicaladdress1s)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(delegatephysicaladdress2, len(delegatephysicaladdress2)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t22 (delegatephysicaladdress2s)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(delegatephysicalcity, len(delegatephysicalcity)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t23 (delegatephysicalcitys)

    cross apply (select distinct

    LEFT(delegatephysicalzipcode, len(delegatephysicalzipcode)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t24 (delegatephysicalzipcodes)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(accreditationheldncqa, len(accreditationheldncqa)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t25 (accreditationheldncqas)

    cross apply (select distinct

    left(doesthedelegatesubdelegate, len(doesthedelegatesubdelegate)-0) + ', '

    from anthemq.dbo.Delegates d2

    where d1.DelegatesName = d2.DelegatesName

    for XML path ('')) as t26 (doesthedelegatesubdelegates) order by delegatesname asc;

  • First, I said you should post CONSUMABLE data.  An Excel file is not consumable.  You should reread the first link in my signature.  Furthermore, people are hesitant to open Excel files they find on the web.

    Second, it's far easier to deal with leading commas rather than trailing commas, because you know the leading comma will always be at position 1.  That's why the common XML concatenation method uses leading commas rather than trailing commas.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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