Creating Views: Changing column names

  • I'm trying to change a name in a view that I'm creating. I can't seem to find out how to do it. I have everything set in this question except the change of the column name. Can anyone help. Here is what I have so far.

    Using the Northwind database (table orders), write a single script that completes the following tasks:

    1. Create a view showing every order that was shipped to Spain. Name the destination column "DestinationSpain". Include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and re-created.

    USE Northwind


    DROP VIEW Spain_Orders


    CREATE VIEW Spain_Orders


    SELECT *

    FROM Orders

    WHERE ShipCountry = 'Spain'

    This returns all orders that are going to Spain. I need to change the "ShipCountry" to DestinationSpain.


  • Dennis,

    try this:



        WHERE  TABLE_NAME = N'Spain_Orders')

        DROP VIEW Spain_Orders


    CREATE VIEW Spain_Orders



     [Order ID],



     [Order Date],

     [Required Date],

     [Shipped Date],

     [Ship Via],


     [Ship Name],

     [Ship Address],

     [Ship City],

     [Ship Region],

     [Ship Postal Code],

     [Ship Country] as [DestinationSpain]

     FROM Orders

     WHERE [Ship Country] = 'Spain'


    to change a colum name, you need to use an alias for that column name. The syntax is allowed in the SELECT statement: ... ColumnName As AliasName

    By the way, you could this the alias as the heading of the column in the SELECT statement or by creating the view as you want to do.


    Ben Lopez



  • Thanks Ben,

    I'm going to get started on it right now.

  • Hey Ben,

    You're the man

    It works like a charm


  • I have another one that I'm trying to solve:


       Create another view that returns the name of each country and the number of orders shipped to that country. Name the number of orders column "NumOrders.” Include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and re-created.


    Can any one help me on this one

  • Are these questions from a homework assignment ? Use of Northwind and basic nature of the questions certainly looks that way ...


  • The request is to aggregate based on the country column, and each row in the Order table will be counted as one.  We can do this readily using the GROUP BY and COUNT(*) function.

    In a more generic setting, the row could be counted as more (or less) than one depending on what the result should be. Or it could be counted based on the value of some other expression derived from other tables. We could use SUM(something), etc.

    Anyway, try this one.



        WHERE  TABLE_NAME = N'CountryOrderCount')

        DROP VIEW CountryOrderCount


    CREATE VIEW CountryOrderCount


     select ShipCountry as Country,

     Count(*) as NumOrders

     from Orders

     Group by ShipCountry



  • Thanks Ben

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