Creating partially matched datasets

  • I want to create an experimental and control group to analyze statistically. I want the match to be random with the following constraints:




    I don't want id2 or id1 to repeat, even though there may be different numbers of them in table 1 and table 2

    How can I best accomplish this and have unique pairs of id numbers. Tables 1 and 2 are already created as temps with the critical conditions.

  • Have you looked at the RAND function (Random number generation) for example to generate your Id value ?:


    SET @I = RAND( (DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) * 100000 )

    + (DATEPART(ss, GETDATE()) * 1000 )

    + DATEPART(ms, GETDATE()) )

    SET @I = @I * 100


    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'

    GO 10

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  • Thanks, but the problem is not the randomization--I can accomplish that with a local variable and newid().

    the problem is getting unique values from a table that has

    aaa sss

    aaa ttt

    bbb ttt

    bbb sss

    What I want is:

    aaa sss

    bbb ttt


    aaa ttt

    bbb sss

    where the two columns represent the unique id's of individuals

  • Use NTILE() to divide each partition into two parts (control and experimental) and then use ROW_NUMBER() to assign a number to each record within the group and match corresponding numbers. If you want tested code, provide DDL and sample data with expected results.

    Another option is to just use ROW_NUMBER() and then match based on rn%2 = (rn + 1)%2 (where rn is the alias for the ROW_NUMBER() results).


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks, Drew. My CIO, who was in meetings all day, suggested row_number--I'll look at NTILE as well as his version and your version of row_Number. Pretty sure what I need is there.

    Have a great, happy, healthy, and ABOVE ALL prosperous 2012.


  • Since you are wanting to get each value only once something like this should work.

    ;with data (col1, col2)

    as (

    select 'aaa', 'sss' union all

    select 'aaa', 'ttt' union all

    select 'bbb', 'ttt' union all

    select 'bbb', 'sss'


    select col1, col2



    select col1, row_number() over(order by col1) as RowNum1



    select distinct col1 from data

    ) s

    ) x

    left join


    select col2, row_number() over(order by col2) as RowNum2



    select distinct col2 from data

    ) s2

    )y on y.RowNum2 = x.RowNum1


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  • thanks, I'll try it, albeit without the first part as I have 162,000 records. 🙂

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