Creating one record from multiple records

  • Hi

    From the table script below I would like to write a query that creates one row for each User. Each row should contain the User, the Activity DateTimes  and the date/time difference between each activity DateTime. So for example User 2 would have 4 dates with the difference in time between date 1 and 2 , 2 and 3, and 3 and 4.

    Any help much appreciated.


    CREATE TABLE #UserActivity (
     [User] int NOT NULL,
     ActivityTime datetime NOT NULL
    GOINSERT #UserActivity ([User], ActivityTime)
    VALUES (1, CAST('2017-01-01 10:30' AS datetime))
    , (1,  CAST('2017-01-03 10:45' AS datetime))
    , (1,  CAST('2017-01-05 13:15' AS datetime))
    , (1,  CAST('2017-01-06 15:30' AS datetime))
    , (1,  CAST('2017-01-08 16:15' AS datetime))
    , (1,  CAST('2017-01-09 17:00' AS datetime))
    , (2,  CAST('2017-01-02 08:00' AS datetime))
    , (2,  CAST('2017-01-03 10:45' AS datetime))
    , (2,  CAST('2017-01-04 13:00' AS datetime))
    , (2,  CAST('2017-01-07 16:45' AS datetime))
    , (3,  CAST('2017-01-01 8:25' AS datetime))
    , (3,  CAST('2017-01-03 11:30' AS datetime))
    , (3,  CAST('2017-01-03 12:35' AS datetime))
    , (3,  CAST('2017-01-04 14:45' AS datetime));

  • Could you post the CREATE TABLE script for the expected result?
    It seems that you could do this using a combination of the windowing function LAG() and STUFF() to concatenate all the values into a single string. But before I go down that road, a sample correct "answer" (concatenated record) would be really helpful.

  • Here is one way of doing this


    CREATE TABLE #UserActivity (
    [User] int NOT NULL,
    ActivityTime datetime NOT NULL

    INSERT #UserActivity ([User], ActivityTime)
    VALUES (1, CAST('2017-01-01 10:30' AS datetime))
    , (1, CAST('2017-01-03 10:45' AS datetime))
    , (1, CAST('2017-01-05 13:15' AS datetime))
    , (1, CAST('2017-01-06 15:30' AS datetime))
    , (1, CAST('2017-01-08 16:15' AS datetime))
    , (1, CAST('2017-01-09 17:00' AS datetime))
    , (2, CAST('2017-01-02 08:00' AS datetime))
    , (2, CAST('2017-01-03 10:45' AS datetime))
    , (2, CAST('2017-01-04 13:00' AS datetime))
    , (2, CAST('2017-01-07 16:45' AS datetime))
    , (3, CAST('2017-01-01 8:25' AS datetime))
    , (3, CAST('2017-01-03 11:30' AS datetime))
    , (3, CAST('2017-01-03 12:35' AS datetime))
    , (3, CAST('2017-01-04 14:45' AS datetime));

       '' + CONCAT( CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),SUA.ActivityTime,120)
            PARTITION BY SUA.[User]
            ORDER BY SUA.ActivityTime
           )),0) + CHAR(72),'')
      FROM #UserActivity SUA
      WHERE SUA.[User] = UA.[User]
      FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(1000)') AS ActivityString
    FROM #UserActivity UA
    GROUP BY UA.[User]

    DROP TABLE #UserActivity;


    User    ActivityString
    1    2017-01-01 48H 2017-01-03 51H 2017-01-05 26H 2017-01-06 49H 2017-01-08 25H 2017-01-09
    2    2017-01-02 26H 2017-01-03 27H 2017-01-04 75H 2017-01-07
    3    2017-01-01 51H 2017-01-03 1H 2017-01-03 26H 2017-01-04

  • Hi Eirikiur
    This is a great solution but not quite what I was after.
    Is it possible to have each of the date fields in spartae columns along wth the time differenec calculations rather than inone xml column?

  • Will each user always have exactly four activity dates associated with him or her?


  • Hi John

    No, they can have many diffrent dates.


  • So you want a table with an indeterminate number of columns?  That's going to be a horrible mess of dynamic SQL.  I recommend you stick with Eirikur's solution.


  • Is it possible to limit it and just bring back the first 10 date columns with calculations then?

  • Yes, should be possible.  Are you really on SQL Server 2008?


  • Yes, afraid so ;(

  • Here's how you can do it for the first four times for user.  You'll be able to see how to extend it to ten or any other number.  I've shown the first time and, for times after that, the difference in hours since the previous.  You can tweak it to show all times and differences if you prefer.

    WITH Partitioned AS (
        ,    ActivityTime
        ,    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [User] ORDER BY ActivityTime) AS RowNo
        FROM #UserActivity
    , NowandNext AS (
        ,    p1.ActivityTime
        ,    p1.RowNo
        ,    DATEDIFF(HOUR,p2.ActivityTime,p1.ActivityTime) AS HoursSinceLast
        FROM Partitioned p1
        LEFT JOIN Partitioned p2 ON
        p1.[User] = p2.[User] AND p1.RowNo = p2.RowNo + 1
    ,    MAX(CASE WHEN RowNo = 1 THEN ActivityTime ELSE NULL END) AS ActivityTime1
    ,    MAX(CASE WHEN RowNo = 2 THEN HoursSinceLast ELSE NULL END) AS HoursSinceFirst
    ,    MAX(CASE WHEN RowNo = 3 THEN HoursSinceLast ELSE NULL END) AS HoursSinceSecond
    ,    MAX(CASE WHEN RowNo = 4 THEN HoursSinceLast ELSE NULL END) AS HoursSinceThird
    FROM NowandNext
    GROUP BY [User]


  • Many thanks John - really, really helpful.

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