Creating Dynamic databases

  • Are there any gurus who has created dynamic databases.

    depending on the user requiments i need to change check constraints.

    My Blog:

  • Could you use a trigger and pull the valid values from a lookup table.

  • Your description is , ehm, a little bit vague and unclear.

    Can you post an example of what you mean?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • ok,

    this is it.

    I need to get the user inputs for the post code formats and phone no format. depending on that I need to create scripts for the check constraints.

    My Blog:

  • Sorry, but in my opinion this is presentational stuff.

    I assume, you need this for some kind of international application. I wuold do the localisation at the front end.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • ok,

    this is it.

    I need to get the user inputs for the post code formats and phone no format. depending on that I need to create scripts for the check constraints.

    In a trigger you can easily examine the old and new values for the post code a phone number if they are in same row with the columns you want to restrict.  You can use conditional logic it allow different values based on the post code and phone number.  This will keep bad data out of your database but it would be much more convenient for your users if the programs gathering the data caught the error before it even gets to the database. That way they get a better error message and correct the data right away.


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