Creating Database Objects from a Trigger-invoked stored procedure....

  • I have a client who wants a database created for each job they undertake.

    It works like this: In the Mgmt Level database, there is a database description table that has an INSERT-AFTER trigger attached.

    This trigger, when invoked, calls a stored procedure that adds a four-digit job number to the standard database name. Then it creates a database and all its properties. Next, it creates all tables, indexes and foreign keys.

    When Finished, the database and all the above objects exist.

    The problem I am having is setting up views and stored procedures. SQL Server will not let me use the database name to fully qualify the CREATE VIEW statement (e.g., CREATE VIEW [db1234].[dbo].[vwAttachments]).

    I tried to use the following to change to the new database:

    SET @sql = 'USE [' + @strDBName + ']';

    EXEc (@sql);

    However it seems to ignore the change and puts the new view into the Mgmt Database.

    How do I get around this?

  • If you put USE into dynamic SQL, you switch the database just for the duration of EXEC of dynamic SQL, because it runs in a different scope. Next execute (with CREATE VIEW) will run again in the original context.

    Originally I wanted to suggest to put USE and CREATE VIEW in the same statement, but that won't work either (error: 'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch). I have no idea whether there is a way to solve it using dynamic SQL or not... I try to avoid dynamic SQL if possible, so I don't have that much experience with it.

  • Thank you for your reponse. Since I am new at this, do you know where I can find an example of the USE statement in a dynamic SQL statement?

    I used this one, but it did not seem to work:

    SET @sql = 'USE [' + @strDBName + ']';

    EXEC (@SQL)

    Then I try to create the view...

    SET @sql = 'CREATE VIEW .....

    EXEC (SQL)

    After the procedure runs, the view is created but in the original database, not the new one specified.

    Thank you very much.

  • I'm sorry, but I misread your ahswer. I will try to research a way to lengthen the "life" of the Use command results.

  • I may have found a way, from another blog....

    If I put my CREATE VIEW and CREATE PROCEDURE statements into a .sql file, then I may be able to call them from my procedure with:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -ix:\path\filename.sql'

    I will let you know if it works.


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