October 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
I need to pull back the top 20 % customers that has spent the most money in the past 36 months. How i do go about doing this?
I cannot get this mdx statement to work, help!
select [Measures].[Net Sales Value] on columns,
{tail([Order Date].[Order Date].[Month],36),toppercent({[Customer Information].[Customer Acc].[Person No].members},20,[Measures].[Net Sales Value])} on rows
from marketingcube
Executing the query ...
Query (2, 1) Two sets specified in the function have different dimensionality.
October 12, 2012 at 8:10 am
I think your date needs to be associated with the measure like below
select [Measures].[Net Sales Value] on columns,
toppercent({[Customer Information].[Customer Acc].[Person No].members},20,Sum(tail([Order Date].[Order Date].[Month],36) ,[Measures].[Net Sales Value])) on rows
from marketingcube
Lemme know if it works
October 12, 2012 at 8:19 am
I guess the issue with the MDX I posted is that you are querying the revenue without specifying a date
The following MDX may work (although I have syntax checked it)
select [Measures].[Net Sales Value] on columns,
toppercent({[Customer Information].[Customer Acc].[Person No].members},20,[Measures].[Net Sales Value]) on rows
(select tail([Order Date].[Order Date].[Month],36) on columns from marketingcube)
Doing a sub-cube will limit the data to the last 36 months
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