Creating AG Listener when nodes are on different subnets

  • Hello SQL Gurus,

    I am seeking advise on how to resolve my issue in creating/configuring an "Availability Group" listner for a 3 node cluster.

    Topography of my setup is as follows...

    Node 1 - In Data Center-1

    Node 3 - In Data Center-2

    (Nodes 1 & 2 are configured to be in a failover cluster)

    Node 3 - In Data Center-3

    I am able to successfully implement "Always On" using these 3 nodes, with Node1 as primary, and Nodes 2 & 3 as Secondary replicas. I tested different types of failure scenarios successfully, some of which are...

    When Node1 fails, Node2 becomes primary automatically.

    When Node1 comes back up, it becomes secondary automatically.

    When both Nodes 1 & 2 fail, Node 3 is still available as readable secondary, which can be manually made to be primary.

    Now I need to implement a generic name that can be used by the application so that it remains agnostic to which node is active at any given point in time. I am trying to achieve this by creating an "Availability Group" listener, using an IP that matches the Network identifier of Nodes 1 & 2. However this creation is failing because of the fact that Network identifier and host identifier of the IPs for Nodes 1 & 2 are significantly different from that of Node 3 (since it is hosted at a different data center, as expected to be in the case of a DR instance). I get an error that reads as follows...

    "None of the IP addresses configured for the availability group listener can be hosted by the server "Node-3". Either configure a public cluster network on which one of the specified IP addresses can be hosted, or add another listener IP address which can be hosted on a public network for this server. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 19456)"

    Can someone please shed some light on how I can overcome this and create a virtual server that can talk to all 3 nodes and keep track of which is active so that my application can run smoothly?

    Your help is very much appreciated.


    SQL Curious

  • for multi subnet clustering see these links


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks, Perry Whittle. I will read these and give it a try. I will keep you posted on how it went.

    - SQLCurious

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