Creating a View

  • I am trying to create a view from a SELECT statement that I've delared a variable in.  I keep getting a message indicating incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DELCARE'

    Is this something that I should be able to do?  If not, does any one have any suggestions as to how to get around it?  I have 5 queries that I need to join together the results for and one of them has an extra column, thus the need for delaring a variable in 4 of them.

    Here is one of them:

    CREATE VIEW opvw_projections_OpenExpress AS


    DECLARE @Projtype CHAR(10)


    SET @Projtype = 'N/A'


    SELECT RTrim( AS [Team],

    op_o.last_rep AS [Consultant],

    RTrim(op_o.type) AS [Opportunity Type],

    Convert(Char, op_o.open_date, 101) AS [Opportuntiy Create Date],

    RTrim(op_o.curr_mile) AS [Milestone],

    Convert(Char, op_m.start_date, 101) AS [Milestone Start Date],

    (os_g.OrderTotal - os_g.ShippingCharge - os_g.Tax) AS [Projected Revenue],

    os_g.OrderDate AS [Projected Milestone Completion Date],

    op_o.enid AS [Group ID],

    RTrim(en_e1.formal_name) AS [Organizaiton],

    RTrim(en_e.formal_name) AS [Group],

    RTrim(op_o.description) AS [Opportunity Name],

    RTrim(op_o.description) AS [Project Name],

    @Projtype AS [Project Type]

    FROM op_opportunity op_o INNER JOIN en_entity en_e ON op_o.enid = en_e.enid

    INNER JOIN op_milestones op_m ON op_o.opid = op_m.opid and op_o.curr_mile = op_m.mile_code

    INNER JOIN os_generalinfo os_g ON op_o.opid = os_g.opid

    INNER JOIN en_entity AS en_e1 ON en_e.orgid = en_e1.enid

    WHERE op_o.type = 'Express' and op_o.curr_mile_status = 'In Progress'

  • You can't declare a variable in a view.. this will do the trick :

    SELECT RTrim( AS [Team],

    op_o.last_rep AS [Consultant],

    RTrim(op_o.type) AS [Opportunity Type],

    Convert(Char, op_o.open_date, 101) AS [Opportuntiy Create Date],

    RTrim(op_o.curr_mile) AS [Milestone],

    Convert(Char, op_m.start_date, 101) AS [Milestone Start Date],

    (os_g.OrderTotal - os_g.ShippingCharge - os_g.Tax) AS [Projected Revenue],

    os_g.OrderDate AS [Projected Milestone Completion Date],

    op_o.enid AS [Group ID],

    RTrim(en_e1.formal_name) AS [Organizaiton],

    RTrim(en_e.formal_name) AS [Group],

    RTrim(op_o.description) AS [Opportunity Name],

    RTrim(op_o.description) AS [Project Name],

    'N/A' AS [Project Type]

    FROM op_opportunity op_o INNER JOIN en_entity en_e ON op_o.enid = en_e.enid

    INNER JOIN op_milestones op_m ON op_o.opid = op_m.opid and op_o.curr_mile = op_m.mile_code

    INNER JOIN os_generalinfo os_g ON op_o.opid = os_g.opid

    INNER JOIN en_entity AS en_e1 ON en_e.orgid = en_e1.enid

    WHERE op_o.type = 'Express' and op_o.curr_mile_status = 'In Progress'

  • Works great.  Thanks.

  • HTH.

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