Creating a Pull Subscription

  • I have a very large database (140 Gig) that I am setting up replication for.  When creating a pull subscription it asks you if the data and schema exist.  My question is, if you say yes it does exist, what data gets replicated, all the data since the publication was created or since the subscription was created or something in between?

  • I think you get the data since the subscriber was created.  Set up a little test replication of a small table & try it out.

  • Thanks for the info.  I did get it working using the full snap shot.  You have to make sure you have the bulkinsert flag on in the distributor.

  • You should only use the data and schema exists option if the data is already synch'd at both ends..if you make a change to a record at one end it does not exist at the other end you'll get problems.

    A full snapshot is the correct way to go..but on a large database can take a lot of time, especially over a limited connection.

    You could always use backup and restore to get the data to the second server and then use data and schema exists.

    HTH Graeme

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