Creating a dynamic UNION query in a sp based on n records

  • I have a table where 1 desk may have >1 portfolios.

    i.e. Desk 1 has portfolios W,X, Y, Z so the bolded Union query below works fine.

    But, Desk 2 contains portfolios A, B and C

    How can I dynamically create the UNION SQL statement (with TOP 10 from each portfolio)  i.e. A Grouped TOP 10 where the top 10 of each portfolio is UNIONed so if a DESK has 3 portfolios, 30 records will appear.  If it has 5 portfolios then 50 records will appear.

    Assume the portfolios are retrieved by:

    SELECT portfolios WHERE eskNum=@DeskNum">DeskNum=@DeskNum

    Assumes @DeskNum is passed as an IN param and the table looks like this:

    DeskNum     Portfolios

    1                W

    1                X

    1                 Y

    1                 Z

    2                 A

    2                 B

    2                 C


    SELECT TOP 10 *

    INTO #Report10

    FROM #FINAL10 WHERE Portfolio='W'


    SELECT TOP 10 * FROM #FINAL10 WHERE Portfolio='X'


    SELECT TOP 10 * FROM #FINAL10 WHERE Portfolio='Y'


    SELECT TOP 10 * FROM #FINAL10 WHERE Portfolio='Z'


    Thank You,


  • What about something like this:

    declare @thisPortfolio char(1),

     @DeskNum int

    declare portfolio_cursor cursor

     for select distinct portfolio from portfolios where DeskNum = @DeskNum

    open portfolio_cursor

    fetch next from portfolio_cursor into @thisPortfolio

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


     select top 10 *

      into #report10

      from #final10

      where portfolio = @thisPortfolio

     fetch next from portfolio_cursor into @thisPortfolio


    close portfolio_cursor

    deallocate portfolio_cursor



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