creating a distribution agent via t-sql

  • i was wondering if anyone know where I can find the code to create a new distribution agent (transactional replication) and make it the active agent.

    right now, i have to manually perform this task and would like it to be automatic via a sproc.


    .: SQL Backup Admin Tool[/url] :.

  • 1. create the transactional pub via SSMS GUI

    2. create the transactional sub (with the same push/pull that you want) via SSMS GUI

    3. generate scripts for same

    4. edit and prettify scripts (the raw code is somewhat difficult to read)

    5. use, enjoy (infinity and beyond!)

  • that wasn't my question ...

    I have already scripted out everything, by hand. I can't find any t-sql code to create a new distribution agent. The distribution property doesn't allow script functionality

    .: SQL Backup Admin Tool[/url] :.

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