Creating a deployable package

  • I am trying hard to solve this problem. I recently created a package which was to bring some data from the FTP site(CSV files) and I must load it into a SQL table. So I used the FTP task and I had to provide login and Password to do that. Good news is I had it working in the developer server but when I tried it in the QA server which was located somewhere else, it is failing. For some reason it is saying user has no access and other errors too. How do I actually export a package to anywhere from anywhere! It should be a simple thing. But I am not getting it. Some site says I have to create package configuration by right clicking anywhere in the control flow area. Which one should I do? Please help me!

    [font="TimesNewRoman"] “I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work”........Thomas Alva Edison[/font]

  • Anyone? Help is needed here..........

    [font="TimesNewRoman"] “I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work”........Thomas Alva Edison[/font]

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