Creating a "Data Dictionary"??

  • In my company, I've been assigned the task of researching the process of setting up a "data dictionary" for all of our Sql Server data (tables, fields, userid's, passwords, etc).  In particular, our company wants to know what the corporate standard is for data dictionary's.

    I've seen a few different online examples of setting up a data dictionary by filling in the "Description" box in each table field however I don't know if this is the common corporate approach.  Would purchasing some type of software be the better approach (although we're not looking for full fledged data modelling at this point, so I think something like ErWin is a little too expensive for what we're looking to accomplish at this point).

    Thanks for you help.



  • You can buy any software or you can even create your own data dictationary, but it is labor intensive to fill out the 'Description' of each field in each table. Also how much information do you want to include in your data dictationary - relationship between tables, foreign key, indexes..... Also maintaining the data dictionary is almost liked a full time job.

    Actually in SQL server, they already has all the information - sysobjects, syscolumns, sysdatabases.....

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