Create/Drop Excel table

  • You're Welcome.

    Take care, Jerid

  • One more question: Is there a way to make the drop file conditional? As in, "If exists, drop file". If the file is not already in the folder, I get an error, and the person who uses this file can delete or rename it. It must be one of the expressions. (My SSIS 2008 book arrives tomorrow :-))

  • I would try the ForceExecutionResult property of File System Task

  • I don't know what happened. now the drop test doesn't work at all. I does drop the file, but turns red and Execution Results says: Task drop test failed. Not very helpful. Especially since it did drop the file. Man, I was in a good place when I left yesterday. Now back to square one. Actually zero since I don't know what's going on.

  • If you look in the Error window you can probably get more info. View, Error List

  • JeridA (3/9/2011)

    If you look in the Error window you can probably get more info. View, Error List

    0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Messages. Just in output it says "task failed". Even though it didn't fail since it deleted the file. I feel like I'm being punked.

  • I deleted the file task, and re-inserted one. now it works(?).

    Back to the task of building an expression to run package even if file does not exist.

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