Create table with just computed columns (Report)

  • Hello

    I'm doing an ASP.NET application webpage. It consits of a form that lets user capture data and then it has to generate reports regarding that data.

    Right now I have 5 tables:






    Users can be created and deleted. Brands can be created and deleted. divisions has a FOREIGN KEY referencing BRANDS id. OBJECTIVES table has 2 FOREIGN KEYS, one referencing BRANDS id and other referencing USERS id. DATA table has 2 FOREIGN KEYS, one referencing USERS id and other referencing BRANDS id.

    This is what happens, the user captures the in DATA

    USER/BRAND/AMOUNT/ (and other columns)

    The point is that in my application you select a user and it displays


    So, there are a lot of brands, and it has to show just the name of the brand, the total amount sold by that user etc...

    So here is the thing,

    I would like to put a DropDownList in my webpage and a button (GENERATE REPORT), when the user selects a person and clicks the button I don't know if it is the best but the application sends a query requesting the database for that data, the thing is I'm not sure of how to do that, I mean, mabe create another table with just computed values that contains all the data and sending a query with the selected person to filter just its report.

    I'm looking for your advise on how to do that/


  • I'm not sure exactly where to start here. So I don't mean to offend... hopefully I can help you get started and other people helping for your answer.

    Are you familiar at all with Stored Procedures? Honestly, I believe you should be using stored procedures for your ASP.NET application.

  • Hi,

    It is ok, I was very confused a while ago, but now everything is workin, I just had to do better my query, but at the end it worked. I just binded it to a GridView.

    I thought it would be more difficult but actually was creating the query the way it should.


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