Create Table from a variable

  • I have the following "start" to a new proc I'm going to be working on and am having an issue.

    Alter Procedure [ProcessCold]

    (  @Dept varchar(4)

      ,@Office varchar(5)

      ,@State varchar(2)



    DECLARE @SameCharity int,

            @DiffCharity int,

            @FileName varchar(20),

            @sql nvarchar(500)

    set @SameCharity=180

    set @DiffCharity=45

    set @FileName=left(@Dept,2) + @State + convert(varchar(2),datepart(Month,Getdate()))+'-'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(Day,getdate()))+'-'+@Office

    What I'd like to do is:


    But I'm receving an error when trying to do that because I'm assuming SQL doesn't allow you to directly create tables based off of variables?  Is there a work-around that I can use instead?




  • Govin,

    I'm building the name of the file in the proc, therefor when I try the declare method you posted, I'm receving an error about a duplicated declaration.

  • That is because you already declared @FileName as VARCHAR(20). Change the name of any one of this you will be okay.


  • If you want this CREATE TABLE @FILENAME (PHONE VARCHAR(10)) you will need to build ALL of it into a variable and then EXEC the variable or sp_runsql....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Can you elaborate on this, I'm sorry but I don't understand I guess.

    I'm wanting to send the proc the following:

    exec processcold 'ABCD','2,'TX'

    I'm wanting the proc to create a table named:


    With the table name being programatically created with the set @filename statement. 

    What I'm unsure of though is how to integrate your declaration into the stored procedure and make things work.  Would you mind maybe re-writing your idea out for me so I get a clearer picture of what you're meaning?

  • NM, I figured it out with AJ's answer.

    Thanks much.

  • Why can't you use static sql for this task?

  • DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(2000)

    SELECT @sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @FileName + '(Phone VARCHAR(10) )'


    Thanks AJ Ahrens I did not take the question.


  • Another question along this same issue.

    I'm trying to create the insert statement and am running into problems because I use the - as part of my @FileName variable.  Anyone know the way around this other than simply changing the -?

    statement I'm using is:

    set @sql = 'Insert into ['+@FileName+'] select top 100 Phone,Title,Fname,Lname,Address,City,State,Zip,'+@Dept+' as Dept,'+'75'+','+@FileName+' as Batch from cold2'

    Note: the first @Filename is fine because it's the actual table, but I use the second @Filename to identify which "batch" of leads I'm sending out, and they just have always happened to be the same name.

  • Try this.

    Your missing the ' around the Character fiedlds your trying to insert

    When your having issues with dynamic sql,comment out the execute, and put a select statement prior to execution so you can see what the string looks like.

    set @sql = 'Insert into ['+@FileName+'] select top 100 Phone,Title,Fname,Lname,Address,City,State,Zip,'''+@Dept+''' as Dept,75,'''+@FileName+''' as Batch from cold2'

    Select @sql

    -- exec sp_ExecuteSql @sql

    Copy and paste the results from the select to a query analyzer window and your issues may become clearer.

    Please read, alot of information about dynamic sql, and why you may, or may not want to use.

  • The real question is why do you want to many different tables that keep the same information?

  • A good question indeed.

    A new table for each day of the week right?

    Thats about the only reason I can think of.

  • Talk about crappy design... Seems to be on the topic a lot today.

  • boy, slow down

    * Noel

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