May 23, 2012 at 10:16 am
I need Status Update column like :
1)All (both completed and pending i.e which went to Enrollment Analyst step’
Have Main table:
Create Table [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity] (
Acivity_id int not null identity(1,1),---identity column
Entry_id int ,
Eventy_type_id int,
Event_value varchar(1023),
Event_time datetime,
Username Varchar(200))
-------And have EVENT LOOK UP TABLE...just giving this table for understanding---
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[event_look_up](
[Event_Description] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Event_Type_Id] [int] NOT NULL)
Insert into [dbo].[event_look_up]( [Event_Type_Id], Event_description)
Insert into [dbo].[event_look_up]( [Event_Type_Id], Event_description)
Insert into [dbo].[event_look_up]( [Event_Type_Id], Event_description)
Insert into [dbo].[event_look_up]( [Event_Type_Id], Event_description)
Insert into [dbo].[event_look_up]( [Event_Type_Id], Event_description)
Insert into [dbo].[event_look_up]( [Event_Type_Id], Event_description)
values(6,'Pending ')
---------------------------getting all records with current step is Enrollment Analyst-------------
select et.Event_Description, da.* from dbo.tbl_doc_activity da
inner join [dbo].[event_look_up] et
on da.Event_Type_Id = et.Event_Type_Id
where da.Event_Type_Id=5 and da.Event_Value like 'Enrollment Analyst'
------Incomplete since it has no additional current_step after "Enrollment_analsyt" : so it is in pending-----
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(107,1,'Imported','2012-05-12 13:49:03.740','ABD')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(107,5,'Enrollment Analyst','2012-05-12 13:49:03.757','ABD2')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(107,1,'Routing','2012-05-12 13:49:07.927','ABD3')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(107,3,'ENROLLMENT TECHNICIAN','2012-05-12 13:49:07.943','ABD4'
--These are completed "Enrollment_analsyt_step as their previous step is "enrollment analyst"
or we can say that it has additional current_step after "Current_step"=Enrollment_analsyt------
select et.Event_Description, da.* from dbo.tbl_doc_activity da
inner join [dbo].[event_look_up] et
on da.Event_Type_Id = et.Event_Type_Id
where da.Event_Type_Id=4 and da.Event_Value like 'Enrollment Analyst'
------Completed Enrollment_step since entry has previous step =EA------------------------
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(108,1,'Routing','2012-05-18 02:03:51.887','ABD')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(108,5,'Enrollment Analyst','2012-05-18 02:03:55.560','ABD2')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(108,5,'Intake','2012-05-18 02:03:46.373','ABD3')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(108,3,'INDEXING','2012-05-18 10:29:01.463','ABD4')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(108,4,'Enrollment Analyst','2012-05-18 10:53:06.597','ABD5')
------I need to Create some status table like below in which i have: status which tells:
--1) records which came out of enrollment_analyst step(completed) or whose previous_Step=enrollmet analsyt
--2) records still in enrollment analsyt i.e they have no current_step after current_step=enrollment_analsyt-----------
create Table #Status_of_Enrollment
( Entry_id int,
event_type_id int,
Event_value varchar(30),
Event_time varchar(30),
last_updated_user varchar(40),
Status varchar(40))
My Final table should look like :
Entry_id Event_type_idEvent_valueEvent_timeusernameStatus
108 4Enrollment Analyst2012-05-18 10:53:06.597ABD5Completed
107 5Enrollment Analyst2012-05-18 02:03:55.560ABD2pending
I know what to do , but don’t know how to do???
Any help help is appreciated.
May 23, 2012 at 10:35 am
Pretty sure I understand what you are looking for but your sample data doesn't match your desired output.
Take a look at what you stated is desired output.
107 5 Enrollment Analyst 2012-05-18 02:03:55.560 ABD2 pending
There are no rows with that time stamp.
select et.Event_Description, da.*
from dbo.tbl_doc_activity da
inner join [dbo].[event_look_up] et
on da.Eventy_Type_Id = et.Event_Type_Id
where Entry_ID = 107
See if something like this will produce the correct results:
select *, Case Event_Value when 'Enrollment Analyst' then 'Completed' else 'Pending' end
select et.Event_Description, da.*, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by Entry_ID order by Event_Time desc) as RowNum
from dbo.tbl_doc_activity da
inner join [dbo].[event_look_up] et
on da.Eventy_Type_Id =
) x
where x.RowNum = 1
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May 23, 2012 at 10:55 am
From your query i am getting all the records whose current_step is not "enrollment_analyst and setting sattus = "pending"
But I need only those records which are in Current_step ="Enrollment_Analsyt" and those which are "pending " or completed"
May 23, 2012 at 10:59 am
komal145 (5/23/2012)
From your query i am getting all the records whose current_step is not "enrollment_analyst and setting sattus = "pending"But I need only those records which are in Current_step ="Enrollment_Analsyt" and those which are "pending " or completed"
Your sample output showed two rows. If you can try to explain more clearly what you are looking for perhaps I can help you get the data you want.
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May 23, 2012 at 11:11 am
Example of entries which has no current+step=5 and event_value=’enrollment anaylst”---------
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10725,1,'Initiated','2012-05-18 16:26:02.987','ADMIN')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10725,5,'QA Technician','2012-05-18 16:26:02.987','ADMIN')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10725,1,'Carrier Exception','2012-05-18 16:27:56.870','ADMIN')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10725,1,'New Info Received','2012-05-18 16:29:16.207','ADMIN')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10714,1,'Initiated','2012-05-18 16:01:03.143','ADMIN')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10714,5,'Customer Service','2012-05-18 16:01:03.173','ADMIN')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10714,5,'Enrollment Technician','2012-05-18 16:07:03.823','ADMIN')
Insert INTO [dbo].[tbl_doc_activity](Entry_id,Eventy_type_id ,Event_value ,Event_time,Username)
VALUES(10714,5,'Customer Service','2012-05-18 16:07:03.827','ADMIN')
Actuallt I don’t care for records as above..which did not go to Current_step(event_type_id=5) and event_value=”enrollment_analyst”
I need only entry_id=107,108 which has event_value=”enrollment_analyst”
And in Current_step(event_type_id=5)
May 23, 2012 at 12:03 pm
So what do you want for output? Try creating a temp table and insert to hold what the desired output should be. I don't get it from your description.
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May 23, 2012 at 12:36 pm
107141Initiated5/18/2012 16:01ADMIN
107145Customer Service5/18/2012 16:01ADMIN
107145Enrollment Technicia5/18/2012 16:07ADMIN
107145Customer Service5/18/2012 16:07ADMIN Pending
1071Imported5/12/2012 13:49ABD Pending
1075Enrollment Analyst5/12/2012 13:49ABD2 Pending
1071Routing5/12/2012 13:49ABD3 Pending
1073ENROLLMENT TECHNICIA5/12/2012 13:49ABD4 Pending
1081Routing5/18/2012 2:03ABDComplete
1085Enrollment Analyst5/18/2012 2:03ABD2Complete
1085Intake5/18/2012 2:03ABD3Complete
1083INDEXING5/18/2012 10:29ABD4Complete
1084Enrollment Analyst5/18/2012 10:53ABD5Complete
My status table should like above....
May 23, 2012 at 12:40 pm
komal145 (5/23/2012)
Entry_idevent_type_idEvent_valueevent_timelast_updated_userStatus107141Initiated5/18/2012 16:01ADMIN
107145Customer Service5/18/2012 16:01ADMIN
107145Enrollment Technicia5/18/2012 16:07ADMIN
107145Customer Service5/18/2012 16:07ADMIN Pending
1071Imported5/12/2012 13:49ABD Pending
1075Enrollment Analyst5/12/2012 13:49ABD2 Pending
1071Routing5/12/2012 13:49ABD3 Pending
1073ENROLLMENT TECHNICIA5/12/2012 13:49ABD4 Pending
1081Routing5/18/2012 2:03ABDComplete
1085Enrollment Analyst5/18/2012 2:03ABD2Complete
1085Intake5/18/2012 2:03ABD3Complete
1083INDEXING5/18/2012 10:29ABD4Complete
1084Enrollment Analyst5/18/2012 10:53ABD5Complete
My status table should like above....
So you want this as a new column in the Event_Description table?
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May 23, 2012 at 12:54 pm table with status column
May 23, 2012 at 1:00 pm
OK if you really want some help you have to help me understand what you are trying to do. You want a new table with a single column in it? Or is this an Event_Status table? My crystal ball was sent out for repairs, it is not expected back until next week. In the meantime a clear explanation of what you trying to do can probably resolve this pretty quickly.
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May 23, 2012 at 1:36 pm
I need a event_status table :
I want status for only those records which have sys_current_step(5) = "enrollmentanalyst"
and status will complete or pending.
I need to know the status of records which are in enrollment_analyst queue
1)if out of Enrollment step(then status = complete ) i.e those records which have additional current_step=5 after current_step="enrollment analyst"
2)if there is no additional sys_current_step(5) after current_step="enrollment analyst"
then its status set to "pending"
hope you understand!!!
May 23, 2012 at 1:42 pm
komal145 (5/23/2012)
I need a event_status table :I want status for only those records which have sys_current_step(5) = "enrollmentanalyst"
and status will complete or pending.
I need to know the status of records which are in enrollment_analyst queue
1)if out of Enrollment step(then status = complete ) i.e those records which have additional current_step=5 after current_step="enrollment analyst"
2)if there is no additional sys_current_step(5) after current_step="enrollment analyst"
then its status set to "pending"
hope you understand!!!
I understand you want a new table. What does this table hold? What are the columns? Can you provide ddl for this new table?
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May 23, 2012 at 2:57 pm
Thank you for understanding.
I need these columns( all of them are tbl_doc_sctivity table) except status column …which has to be derived.
create Table Status_of_Enrollment
( Entry_id int,
event_type_id int,
Event_value varchar(30),
Event_time varchar(30),
Username varchar(40),
Status Varchar(40))
May 24, 2012 at 9:15 am
There is probably a cleaner way to do this but this produces the correct results according to your sample data. I am kind of buried at work or I would have spent some time on this.
insert Status_of_Enrollment
select da.Entry_ID, Eventy_type_id, Event_Value, Event_Time, UserName, xyz.Status
from dbo.tbl_doc_activity da
inner join [dbo].[event_look_up] et on da.Eventy_Type_Id = et.Event_Type_Id
select Entry_ID, Case Event_Value when 'Enrollment Analyst' then 'Completed' else 'Pending' end as Status
select Entry_ID, Event_Value, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by Entry_ID order by Event_Time desc) as RowNum
from dbo.tbl_doc_activity da
inner join [dbo].[event_look_up] et
on da.Eventy_Type_Id =
) x
where x.RowNum = 1
) xyz on xyz.Entry_ID = da.Entry_ID
select * from Status_of_Enrollment
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May 24, 2012 at 9:29 am
Thank you for spending your time on this!!!
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