Create SSRS Data Driven Subscriptions on Standard Edition

  • Where do i get the ScheduleID when i execute the main stored procedure.

  • Reyno123 wrote:

    Where do i get the ScheduleID when i execute the main stored procedure.

    I tend to get it from the agent task was created when you created the subscription.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I haven't created a subscription

  • Reyno123 wrote:

    I haven't created a subscription

    Then you need to. Part of having a "Data Driven" Subscription is having a subscription. The hint is in the name. 😉


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hello,

    When I look at the original code, it appears to be in 3 blocks: a split string function at the top of Bernard's post, a proc in the middle of Bernard's post, and then he has some code at the bottom that starts with "Building and Passing through the parameters".

    I'm unclear as to WHERE this last block of code is supposed to reside/be called from.  Is it pasted into the the "Job step properties" window of the SQL Agent task that has the matching scheduleID?

  • Thank you so much for this solution.  Helped a lot.

    Is it possible to tweak this solution to also rename the attachment to use report name + current date and not just the subject?

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