Create Rule or Constraint

  • How to create rule or impose constraint to restrict the size of a column having datatype as image.??

  • Hi,

    I don't think it's possible to create constraints on Image columns. You also can't reference them in the inserted/deleted tables of triggers.

    There is a workaround that involves a trigger. You can either put this trigger on to the table itself or on to a prior staging table if necessary. The only draw back is that the row is inserted into the table and then removed by the Trigger if it's too big.

    An example of such is:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysObjects WHERE name = 'tblExample' AND xtype = 'U')

     DROP TABLE tblExample


    CREATE TABLE tblExample (

     imageID INT,

     myImage IMAGE,

     imageSize AS DATALENGTH(myImage)



    CREATE TRIGGER trg_IU_CheckSize

       ON  tblExample



    DECLARE @imageID INT

    DECLARE @errMsg VARCHAR(100)

    -- Can't use IMAGE columns in Insered/Deleted Tables.

    IF EXISTS(SELECT imageID FROM tblExample WHERE imageSize >=15)


     DECLARE csr_imageTooBig CURSOR FOR

     SELECT imageID FROM tblExample WHERE imageSize >= 15


     OPEN csr_imageTooBig

     FETCH NEXT FROM csr_ImageTooBig INTO @imageID



      -- Remove IMAGE from Table

      DELETE FROM tblExample WHERE imageID = @imageID

      SELECT @errMsg = 'ImageID ' + CAST(@imageID AS VARCHAR) + ' is too big and has been removed from the table.'

      RAISERROR (@errMsg, 16, 1)

      FETCH NEXT FROM csr_ImageTooBig INTO @imageID



     CLOSE csr_imageTooBig

     DEALLOCATE csr_imageTooBig



    INSERT INTO tblExample (imageID, myImage) VALUES (1, '0x3092734023')

    INSERT INTO tblExample (imageID, myImage) VALUES (2, '0x34635623462345')

    INSERT INTO tblExample (imageID, myImage) VALUES (2, '0x34623462345')

    SELECT * FROM tblExample


    DROP TABLE tblExample



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  • What size should the restriction be? Keep in mind that Image is simply a binary data type, so if the size you wish to use is not very large (i.e., over 8K in SQL 2000) you can use a varbinary data type instead. In other words- you can change the image data type for the column to be (var)binary.

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