create function to calculate any percentile?

  • We need to create a function for percentile so user can use it in their select statement. They want to take the percentile number as a parameter of the function as well as another parameter for groupname and they want to be able to do any percentile between 1 and 100.

    for eg, for the following distribution:

    groupA 10

    groupA 25

    groupA 36

    groupA 47

    groupA 55

    groupA 66

    groupA 78

    groupA 89

    groupA 92

    groupA 100

    groupB 10

    groupB 20

    groupB 30


    the 75 percentile for groupA is 89.75. How to get this? There is a formula:


    where y is the percentile number and n is the number in the distribution. so for 75 percentile the calculation is:

    L75=(10+1)*75/100 which = 8.25

    which means when the data is arranged in ascending order, the 75 percentile is the 8th data point from the left, plus 0.25*(distance between the 8th and 9th data values) so the 75 percentile is 89+0.25*(92-89) which = 89.75

    I'm working on it now also, but figure out it would help if I post the question here so maybe we can get this solved faster if someone has done sth similar before.


  • I already figured it out. Thx!

  • If possible can you post what you came up? Others may have a similiar requirement.


  • ok, here it is:

    --the easier way: round the position number

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_getperentile](@groupname char(20), @percentile int)

    RETURNS money



    DECLARE @ret money

    DECLARE @cnt bigint

    declare @position bigint

    select @cnt = count(*) from test2 where groupname = @groupname

    SELECT @position= round((@cnt+1)*@percentile/100,0)

    SELECT @ret= price from

    (select price, row_number() over(order by price asc) as rownumber

    from test2

    where groupname=@groupname)t

    where rownumber=@position

    RETURN @ret


    --include the fraction

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_getperentile](@groupname char(20), @percentile int)

    RETURNS money



    DECLARE @ret money

    DECLARE @cnt bigint

    declare @position bigint

    declare @fraction float

    select @cnt = count(*) from test2 where groupname = @groupname

    SELECT @position = (@cnt+1)*@percentile/100

    SELECT @fraction = (@cnt+1)*@percentile/100.0 - @position

    SELECT @ret= price from

    (select price, row_number() over(order by price asc) as rownumber from test2 where groupname=@groupname) t

    where rownumber=@position

    SELECT @ret = @ret + (price - @ret) * @fraction from

    (select price, row_number() over(order by price asc) as rownumber from test2 where groupname=@groupname) t

    where rownumber=@position + 1

    RETURN @ret


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