Create Function - Query works fine stand-alone but has error message for the line

  • I can't seem to find any syntax problems - can someone please advise?

    The Select Count ... forward works great in a query window.

    The Check code returns

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Rule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT, Line 6

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Rule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT, Line 13

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'END'

    USE MyDBName


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Rule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT(@ID_Wells int) RETURNS int



    DECLARE @Result int;

    SET @Result = SELECT COUNT(*) AS "SELECT Well_Name FROM Wells WHERE (ID_Wells = @idWells) AND (Well_Name LIKE N'%Unit%');"

    IF @Result = 0

    Return 0; -- False


    Return 1; -- True




  • Quick pointer, the query is only a character string in the code and it never gets executed. Change the code to include the query not using a string.


  • I'm not sure where to start. Your variable assignment is completely wrong.

    In other order of ideas, you could change your scalar function into an inline table valued function which should work faster.

    I'm leaving both options for you to test.

    USE MyDBName


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Rule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT(@ID_Wells int)

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @Result int;

    SELECT @Result = SIGN( COUNT(*) )

    FROM Wells

    WHERE (ID_Wells = @idWells) AND (Well_Name LIKE N'%Unit%');

    Return @Result



    --Alternate version using an iTVF

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.tRule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT(@ID_Wells int)

    RETURNS table



    SELECT Result = SIGN( COUNT(*) )

    FROM Wells

    WHERE (ID_Wells = @idWells)

    AND (Well_Name LIKE N'%Unit%');


    For more information on how to make scalar functions run faster, check the following article:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank you very much!

    The use of this is calling only one ID_Wells at a time.

    The data set is very small, about 50,000 total records in the main Wells table.

    It is used to index regulatory process.

    The common use of this, the client will call only one Id_Well at at time and expect a single result.

    With such a small DB it is difficult form me to determine which one is faster.

    Use MyDBname

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Rule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT(@ID_Wells int)

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @Result int;

    SELECT @Result = SIGN( COUNT(*) )

    FROM Wells

    WHERE (ID_Wells = @id_Wells) AND (Well_Name LIKE N'%Unit%');

    -- changed from idWells

    Return @Result



    select dbo.Rule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT(53)

    Example Used in a View:

    SELECT ID_Wells, Well_Name, dbo.Rule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT(ID_Wells) AS Fed_Requirements

    FROM dbo.Wells

  • I'm not sure that you need a function.

    Here's an example using the over clause to solve the problem and at the same time the iTVF option. I strongly suggest you to read the article that I recommended to understand how scalar UDFs affect performance.

    Note how I posted the sample data. You're expected to do it that way to get better help (and you should know it after all your visits).

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Wells(

    ID_Wells int,

    Well_Name varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO dbo.Wells


    (1, 'Something'),

    (1, 'Something with Unit'),

    (1, 'Something with another Unit'),

    (2, 'One Unit Well'),

    (2, 'Group Well'),

    (3, 'Last Well')


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.tRule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT(@ID_Wells int)

    RETURNS table



    SELECT Result = SIGN( COUNT(*) )

    FROM Wells

    WHERE (ID_Wells = @ID_Wells)

    AND (Well_Name LIKE N'%Unit%');


    SELECT ID_Wells,


    SIGN( COUNT(CASE WHEN Well_Name LIKE '%Unit%' THEN 1 END) OVER( PARTITION BY ID_Wells)) AS Fed_Requirements,

    r.Result AS Fed_RequirementsFunction

    FROM dbo.Wells

    CROSS APPLY dbo.tRule_DoesWellNameContainUNIT( ID_Wells) r


    DROP TABLE Wells

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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