create and modify Time Stamps

  • I have to send tables with data to other destination .What is the best process to send populated table to other destination in which format and what is the step by step process in sql server2000 database.

  • My apology, but what is the question/issue being addressed?

    Gary Andrews



  • use DTS (Data Transormation service) to transfer Tables Data and structure, to do this:

    1- open Enterprise manager

    2- right click on your Database and choose "All Tasks" >> "Export Data"

    3- choose Source Server and Database

    4- choose Destination Server and Database (which tables and objects will be moved to)

    5- Choose "Copy Objects and data between SQL Server Databases" to copy tables with Primary keys, defaults and indexes

    6- uncheck "copy all objects" and press on "Select Objects" and check on objects you want

    7- choose "Run Immediately"

    and tyhe table will be Copied to the destination Database

    I hope this help u

    Alamir Mohamed

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