Create, Alter practice in basic SQL 2005 configuration and security.

  • I am learning dba admin functions from the MCTS SQL Server 2005, Exam 70-431 Exam Training Kit. While there are a few sparse examples in the text there are not nearly enough questions and answers, exercises, and explanations to cover the myriad of nooks and crannies of basic admin skills. Can anyone recommend a textbook-like resource which goes into great detail on:

    Create, Alter, Drop: logins, users, roles?

    I do have Microsoft’s Books On Line, and find it great as a reference. But as a learning tool, there are no questions and no problems for practice included.

    In particular, what I need is a lot of practice. I want to enter T-SQL code for just about every combination of these administrative duties that I would ever be called upon to know. I want to know enough that I would feel confident walking into a production shop as a newbie (but certified) dba novice and hit the ground running. You consultants know what I mean.

    In the past I have used the Deitel and Deitel collegiate level textbooks to self study VC++ and VC#. Unfortunately they do not publish a book suitable for dba training.

    I work alone at home; in a remote area and there is no one to ask for help except for this forum. It’s out of the question (financially) to attend a more formal course or curriculum or classroom to get detailed practice. I gotta get it out of a book(s) somehow. So what books does anyone suggest that would be a good source of practice problems/answers for T-sql and admin tasks code writing?

    Thanks to everyone who responds, for your suggestions and help.

    Victor Victor

  • You could try answering questions here or on one of the other SQL forums or newsgroups. Even if you don't post the answer, see if you can work out what it is. There's probably no better place to get practical, real-life problems. I certainly don't know of any book like that.

    As for 'hitting the ground running', don't worry. Most good places won't expect that especially of a DBA with no experience, certifications or no certifications. It's more about quirks and designs of the systems, and the way things are normally done, than theoretical knowledge.

    At my old company, a junior DBA wouldn't get access to a production system for 6 months or more. It's not a lack of trust, it's that we preferred them to make mistakes on the dev system, rather than production.

    If you find a company that wants an inexperienced DBA to take sole responsibility for a production system from day one with no assistance, run.

    Consultants have generally had several years of SQL experience before they went consulting. There is no substitute for experience

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Gail has some good advice there.

    The practice comes from add/edit/delete of each object, so maybe you want to make a list of the combinations (new user, schema, login, etc.) and practice adding new ones, editing them, working through the permutations.

  • Gail and Steve:

    Thanks for your responses. I do appreciate the advice.

    The effort to become a dba is happening late to me. I’ve been busy designing and writing apps for a lot of years.

    I guess what I’m complaining about is that apparently there is not a formal book -- a school type textbook, that I can study to learn everything necessary to prepare me for work as a beginning dba. Even though the academic world is not as demanding as the real world workplace, it still is the next best choice for acquiring job skills. I did find and go thru a book on just T-SQL language skills but there is so much more than that, to really be prepared for dba work.

    For me, real understanding of any particular point only comes when I close the book and try to dredge up and use what I just read. Not having a textbook with problems designed to elicit that complete understanding means that I must create my own problems to practice on and as you suggested. This is where the guiding hand of an author would come in so handy.

    So thanks for your suggestions -- I’ll employ them. And, who knows; someone may yet come up with a syllabus or book that they used in a more formal course that would be helpful. There must be graduate school level courses somewhere, offered to folks who want formal training in dba skills beyond just T-SQL -- and there must be some kind of written material or text used for that.

    Regards and thanks again,

    Victor Victor

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