Create Alert/Report If Job Duration > Value

  • I can view in Log File Viewer | Job History, the duration of a job.

    I want to create a report/alert when a particular job/step for a Job Name (Job_id) exceeds a threshold of duration (e.g. Duration > 00.15.00).

    I researched msdb and master for a view or stored procedures that I might use as a template for writing the script. I could find no ready tools (reports or dialogue/options to help me.) I am using SQL2005 9.0.2050.

    I have had a job hang for > 1 Day, when it usually takes several seconds. No error message was reported. Once, it actually finished; on another occasion, I killed the job, and started it over to success.

    Research did not readily point to the problem. So, I'd like to find any job with excessive duration time, and in particular, I want to track this job. It runs every hour/24 hours, and hangs about once a week.

  • How 'bout this as an option? I copied and modified a script found that might allow me to stop a 'hung' job long after it should have completed.

    I could add it as a last step to the job with a WAITFOR DELAY. Every time the job runs, it checks for a 'hung' status, and stops it.

    All comments and/or modifications welcome.

    --OPTION# 1



    --jobid from sysjobs for your job i question'


    @JobID = '573878F9-CFB3-417B-B802-7A6B914A2204'

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#JobStatus') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #JobStatus

    CREATE TABLE #JobStatus



    Last_Run_Date INT,

    Last_Run_Time INT,

    Next_Run_Date INT,

    Next_Run_Time INT,



    Request_Source INT,



    Current_Step INT,




    -- Retrieve results of last job run

    INSERT INTO #JobStatus

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 0,sa,@JobID

    --Select * from #JobStatus

    -- Check to see if job is running



    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #JobStatus

    WHERE Running = 1

    ) > 0


    --Do your work here

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:05:00'

    Execsp_stop_job @Job_Id = @JobID




    -- Job is not running


    DROP TABLE#JobStatus

  • If the jobs are all SQL based, IE, not calling operating system processes, you can also see them running in sysprocesses:

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