crazy requirements - SQL help..

  • I barely know where to start this requirement is so overly complex, but here goes

    oIf the current date is past the end date of an event, and the event does not have a completion date, the status of the event will indicate ‘late’(red) and each subsequent event will indicate ‘in danger of being late’(yellow).

    oIf the current date is past the end date and there is a completion date entered that is past the end date, the event will remain ‘late’(red) and all subsequent events will remain ‘in danger of being late’(yellow).

    So, I have a CASE statement in my SQL, like so


    WHEN ProjectEvent.EstimatedCompletionDate >= GetDate() THEN '#33cc66'

    WHEN ProjectEvent.EstimatedCompletionDate < GetDate() THEN 'RED'
    ELSE '#33cc66'
    END AS BackGroundColor,

    This only gets me so far, and will not get me to my end goal. The above takes each event separately...I need to look at them as a whole I think...

    An example
    Name :: Color :: EndDate :: CompletedDate
    Event One :: RED :: 7/8/2005 :: NULL
    Event Two :: YELLOW :: 7/28/2005 :: NULL
    Event Three :: YELLOW :: 8/1/2005 :: NULL

    The above SQL would give me colors of RED, GREEN, GREEN and there is no way I could even test for yellow...Is there some way I get get the status of the first event, and then set a color for all the rest while also watching out for this situation..

    Name :: Color :: EndDate :: CompletedDate
    Event One :: GREEN :: 7/5/2005 :: 7/4/2005
    Event Two :: RED :: 7/8/2005 :: NULL
    Event Three :: YELLOW :: 8/1/2005 :: NULL

    Notice here that event one has a completed date that is before the end date, and now event two is late, and hence all subsequent events must be yellow. I know this is cumbersome...but any thoughts? Thanks alot

    Harry C

  • How do you tell that you have later dates? Is it just by the date? Is there some other linkage? If it's just by date, then how would you ever have a green date if one date was red? all subsequent dates would be yellow then, wouldn't they?

  • - Here is the schema...

    I need to get back all the events for a project. Say I have five events. If event 1 is late(EndDate > CompletedDate), then event 1 needs to be red, and all other events need to be yellow. But, if event 1 is ontime, or complete, then the next event to look at would be event 2. Then determine the status of that event(for example late='red'), and then all subsequent events will be yellow.

    I could have a green event like the following

    Name :: Color :: EndDate :: CompletedDate

    Event One :: GREEN :: 7/2/2005 :: 7/1/2005

    Event Two :: RED :: 7/5/2005 :: 7/6/2005

    Event Three :: YELLOW :: 8/1/2005 :: NULL

    Event Four :: YELLOW :: 8/10/2005 :: NULL

    See, the first event was completed Ontime(Event One), so that one is green, but now I need to look at the next event(Event Two), if that one is defined as Completed Late(RED). Once I hit an event that is NOT green, then ALL other events are now Yellow.



  • What you are trying to do is Time Interval Arithmetic, it is not implemented in SQL Server only Oracle and PostgreSQL have it implemented. But Microsoft have resources that can help you.  The Time Tracker starter kit have most of the code you need but not all is in T-SQL because the .NET FCL(framework class library) Calendar class is more comprehensive.  The other two links created Timespan for SQL Server which will enable you to get time as you want it.  Yes it is complicated but I can help, I users with similar problems all the time.  Timespan changes a day into seconds.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie



    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • This is close, but not quite getting it for me. Anyone want to take another crack! Thanks alot

    The data comes back like this...not quite right!!

    StatusColor :: EventName :: EstimatedCompletionDate :: CompletedDate

    RED :: Event One :: 2005-06-15 :: 2005-06-16

    GREEN :: Event Two :: 2005-07-01 :: 2005-06-30

    RED :: Event Three :: 2005-07-08 :: 2005-07-09

    GREEN :: Event Four :: 2005-08-06 :: 2005-07-30

    Yellow :: Event Five :: 2005-08-12 :: NULL

    All the events are rightly colored except for event five. Event 4 is green, and ontime, and hence event 5 should be green as well. But get updated to Yellow. How can I restrict that? So close. Thanks for looking!


    DECLARE @ProjectID int

    SET @ProjectID = 10

    CREATE TABLE #TempTable



    ProjectID int,

    EventID int,

    BackGroundColor varchar(20),

    EventName varchar(100),

    EventOrder int,

    CorrectiveActionTypeID int,

    EstimatedCompletionDate datetime,

    CompletedDate datetime,

    ModifiedBy varchar(20),

    CompletedBy varchar(20),

    LeadTime int,

    CorrectiveActionName varchar(20),

    CorrectiveActionNote varchar(1000),

    CorrectiveActionCost money


    --copy the actual project data in, along with default status

    INSERT INTO #TempTable

    SELECT ProjectEvent.ProjectID, ProjectEvent.EventID, 'GREEN', Event.EventName, ProjectEvent.EventOrder,

    ProjectEvent.CorrectiveActionTypeID, ProjectEvent.EstimatedCompletionDate,

    ProjectEvent.CompletedDate, ProjectEvent.ModifiedBy,

    ProjectEvent.CompletedBy, ProjectEvent.LeadTime,

    CorrectiveActionType.[Name] as CorrectiveActionName,ProjectEvent.CorrectiveActionNote, ProjectEvent.CorrectiveActionCost

    FROM ProjectEvent


    Event ON ProjectEvent.EventID = Event.EventID


    CorrectiveActionType ON ProjectEvent.CorrectiveActionTypeID = CorrectiveActionType.CorrectiveActionTypeID

    WHERE ProjectEvent.ProjectID = @ProjectID

    ORDER BY ProjectEvent.EventOrder

    --set status to red where the end date is past with no

    --completion, or the complete date is late

    UPDATE #TempTable SET BackGroundColor = 'RED'

    WHERE (CompletedDate IS NULL AND EstimatedCompletionDate EstimatedCompletionDate

    --UPDATE #TempTable SET BackGroundColor = 'LIGHTBLUE'

    --WHERE (CompletedDate IS NOT NULL AND EstimatedCompletionDate < GETDATE())

    --OR CompletedDate

    (SELECT MAX(EstimatedCompletionDate) FROM #TempTable WHERE BackGroundColor IN ('RED','LIGHTBLUE'))

    --Return the fruits of your labours.

    SELECT ProjectID, EventID, BackGroundColor, EventName, EventOrder,

    CorrectiveActionTypeID, EstimatedCompletionDate,

    CompletedDate, ModifiedBy,

    CompletedBy, LeadTime,

    CorrectiveActionName,CorrectiveActionNote, CorrectiveActionCost FROM #TempTable

    --AND EstimatedCompletionDate < GETDATE()

    SELECT MAX(EstimatedCompletionDate) FROM #TempTable WHERE BackGroundColor IN ('RED','LIGHTBLUE')


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