CPU "sleeping" when executing queries

  • The "Logical Disk: Avg. Disk sec/Transfer" never exceeds 0.004 and everything seems to be ok on this side, but i will probably check the disk with specific diagnostic tools.

    by the way, we also tried it with and without hyper thread >> no difference. the CPU never shows more than 1% in this case. When we use for example disk intensive operations (disk defragmenting), the overall performance is absolutely ok. So i really don't know if it's really connected to the disks.

  • These queries don't look either complex or CPU intensive. 

    Focus on configuration, CPU, memory, disk i/o.  What about the network? 

    Are queries executed in QA on server console or across a network? 

    If across a network could queries execute OK but results not return due to bandwidth or protocol problem?

  • the queries are executed on a server console, so it should not be a network problem...

  • Hi


    we have exactly the same problem, just upgraded from a Dell single processor P3 Server to a Dell 2800 with twin xenon processors and 2 gb ram.  The complex procedures execute within 2-3 seconds and can return over 30,000 records on the old server but with the new one they take anything upto 30 seconds to complete.

    Processor activity never gets above 1% !!

    Any help would be appreciated



  • Yep, they are indexed. and statistics also updated. The DBA already did all that.. Any more idea?

  • You are right to set the boost to default. But for paralisam, you can try to turn it off (by default SQL server uses the actual number of available in paralell plans). You can add the MAXDOP hint in that query or run the following code to disable paralell plan for all statements:

    USE master


    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced option', '1'


    EXEC sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism',1


    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced option', '0'



    Did you check the server pack of the SQL server?

    Did you try to restart SQL server service?

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