counting records in multiple tables

  • As Joe was getting at, there are some significant design issues. Ideally, a redesign would be in order. However, I realize there are many times that such things are out of our control and we have to deal with what we have. Here is a way you can get at the data you need and clean up your query a little bit in the process.

    SELECT COALESCE(t.Tele, 0) as Tele,

    COALESCE(r.Radio, 0) as Radio,

    COALESCE(p.Press, 0) as Press,

    COALESCE(t.Description, r.Description, p.Description) as Description,

    COALESCE(t.Category, r.Category, p.Category) as Category


    (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Tele,


    pc.Description AS Category

    FROM dbo.tbl_Television t

    JOIN dbo.tbl_Brand b

    ON t.FK_ProductId = b.FK_ProductId

    AND t.FK_BrandId = b.BrandId

    JOIN dbo.tbl_Product p

    ON t.FK_ProductId = p.ProductId

    JOIN dbo.tbl_ProductCategories pc

    ON p.FK_CategoryId = pc.CategoryId

    WHERE t.AdDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate

    AND p.ProductId = @ProductId

    AND pc.CategoryId = @CategoryId

    GROUP BY b.Description, pc.Description) t


    (SELECT 0 COUNT(*) AS Radio,


    pc.Description AS Category

    FROM dbo.tbl_Radio r

    JOIN dbo.tbl_Brand b

    ON r.FK_ProductId = b.FK_ProductId

    AND r.FK_BrandId = b.BrandId

    JOIN dbo.tbl_Product p

    ON r.FK_ProductId = p.ProductId

    JOIN dbo.tbl_ProductCategories pc

    ON p.FK_CategoryId = pc.CategoryId

    WHERE r.AdDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate

    AND p.ProductId = @ProductId

    AND pc.CategoryId = @CategoryId

    GROUP BY b.Description, pc.Description) r

    ON r.Description = t.Description

    AND r.Category = t.Category


    (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Press,


    pc.Description AS Category

    FROM dbo.tbl_PressAD pr

    JOIN dbo.tbl_Brand b

    ON pr.FK_ProductId = b.FK_ProductId

    AND pr.FK_BrandId = b.BrandId

    JOIN dbo.tbl_Product p

    ON pr.FK_ProductId = p.ProductId

    JOIN dbo.tbl_ProductCategories pc

    ON p.FK_CategoryId = pc.CategoryId

    WHERE pr.IssueDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate

    AND p.ProductId = @ProductId

    AND pc.CategoryId = @CategoryId

    GROUP BY b.Description, pc.Description) p

    ON (p.Description = t.Description

    AND p.Category = t.Category)

    OR (p.Description = r.Description

    AND p.Category = r.Category)

    *edit: neglected to alias one table

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Hi Nevyn, pls don't blame yourself, we learn better everyday, if you blame yourself, what should i say of myself.

    Take care.


  • Hi bteraberry, after a few editing, it worked nicely, i'm trying some other experiment on it, if anything bumps up, i'll let you know.

    Thanks so much.


  • Hi All, Thanks all for your contributions, after trying some other experiments, i want to conclude that COALESCE does wonders.

    Thanks all


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