Counting field values per day between specific date ranges

  • Hi again,

    Thank you for your detailed reply Luis Cazares I have only just seen your reply, I am going to read the article. I must confess I was a bit stupid and didn't realise the thread had gone over two pages hence me triplicating my question about your option 2, I thought I couldn't post as it didn't appear on page one so I tried a few times!

    MMartin1 thank you for your reply, just seen this too! It is for reporting but there is a filter to remove cancelled bookings. I will however look into the fact table for a data cube. This is great to learn other ways to handle this data. Thanks you.

    MY ISSUE: From option 1 of Luis Cazares original post.

    I have a question I am hoping you can help with. I have been playing with these date queries, in particular Luis example below. I wanted to check the results against a simple query that just looks at a single date and totals the adults and children. My thoughts being, if I spot check some dates and they tally up the same results with the two queries everything is correct. This wasn't the case. See below.

    Here is Luis query.


    E(n) AS(

    SELECT n FROM (VALUES(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0))E(n)


    E2(n) AS(

    SELECT a.n FROM E a, E b


    E4(n) AS(

    SELECT a.n FROM E2 a, E2 b


    cteTally(n) AS(



    FROM E4


    cteCalendar(CalDate) AS(

    SELECT DATEADD( dd, n, '2016/07/24') AS CalDate

    FROM cteTally


    SELECT c.CalDate,

    SUM( b.No_Adults) AS No_Adults,

    SUM( b.No_Children) AS No_Children

    FROM [wce_bookings] b


    JOIN cteCalendar c ON CAST( b.Arrival_Date AS date) <= c.CalDate

    AND b.Departure_Date > c.CalDate

    GROUP BY CalDate

    ORDER BY CalDate;

    If you look at the date 25/07/2016 (GMT) the results for adults shows 44 and children 18

    However when I run my query:

    SELECT quote_no, Arrival_Date, departure_Date, no_adults, no_children FROM wce_bookings WHERE '20160725' BETWEEN Arrival_Date AND departure_Date

    SELECT sum(No_Adults), SUM(no_children) FROM wce_bookings WHERE '20160725' BETWEEN Arrival_Date AND departure_Date

    My results which show 37 adults and 18 children

    I checked a few other dates and some days the results with both queries for adults and children the counts are the same. For example 12/08/2016 (GMT) adults 3 and children 0.

    I'm scratching my head for a logical answer here and I know there is one. Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks.

  • That's because you're not taking the hours into account. The difference comes from 2 quotes that you're not including (973 & 1057). Check them and decide if they belong to the date. If they not, change the JOIN clause.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Ahhh, the times were impacting it! Thank you for the help.

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