Count query!!!

  • Hi everyone,

    Can an SQL guru please help me out here?

    I have got 3 tables. here is their schema



    Id     Name

    1      California

    2      Houston



    Id  Name   BranchId

    1   TranA      1

    2   TranB      2




    Id   TransactionId  Pass

    1     1                   0

    2     1                   1

    3     2                   1

    4     2                   1  


    I want a grouping query which gives me records from these three tables. Basically i want some info grouped by various branches. So here is wat my output query should look like -

    Branch     No of Transactions     No of Items     ItemsPass     Itemsfail

    ------     ------------------     -----------     ---------      ---------

    California          1                       2                      1              1

    Houston           1                       2                      2              0

    I am able to group them and get their Transaction total, item total. It is the last 2 columns which are proving to be a real pain. I think i might have to use left joins or something along those lines. here is wat i have come up with till now.

    Select  B.Name,

     count(distinct T.Id) as 'Tran Count',

     count(I.Id) as 'Item Count'

     from  Transactions T,

      Branches B,

      Items I

     where T.BranchId = B.Id and

      T.Id = I.TransactionId

     group by B.BranchName

    Can anyone help me get the last 2 counts?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Select Name,TranCount,ItemCount,Sum(Pass) as Pass,Sum(Fail) as Fail

    from (

             Select  B.Name,

             count(distinct T.Id) as 'TranCount',

             count(I.Id) as 'ItemCount',                    case when I.P=1 then count(I.P) else 0 end  'Pass',

    case when I.P=0 then count(I.P) else 0 end    'Fail'

     from  #T T                                              inner join

            #B B                                                  on T.BId = B.Id

    inner join

           #I I

     on T.Id = I.TId

     group by B.Name,I.P

    ) SubTable

    group by Name,TranCount,ItemCount

    Its Over.....

    So, now think over my thread 'selecting a effective date from a table '

    Ragards                                                   Naveed Ahamd



  • Thanks Naveed,

    I got the same result byu doing this

    select  B.BranchName,

     count(distinct T.Id) as 'Tran Count',

     count(I.Id) as 'Item Count',

     sum(case when cast(I.iqaresult as int)+ cast(I.iuaresult as int) =0 then 1 else 0 end) as PassCount,

     sum(case when cast(I.iqaresult as int)+ cast(I.iuaresult as int) >0 then 1 else 0 end) as FailCount

     from  rc_Branches B,

      rc_Items I,

      rc_Transactions T

     where T.BranchId = B.Id and

      T.Id = I.TransactionId

     group by B.BranchName


    I went through ur thread, but am not quite sure wat you are trying to do? Can you elaborate a bit more?


  • Select branchname,count(distinct(transactionid)),count(distinct(id)),

    sum(pass) as pass,sum(fail) as fail 

    from (

       select as branchname, as tranname,


       case pass when 1 then 1 else 0 end as pass,

       case pass when 0 then 1 else 0 end as fail

       From items i inner join

       (transactions t inner join branch b on t.branchid =

       on i.transactionid =

    ) as X

    group by branchname order by branchname

    Kindest Regards,


  • Assuming that Items.Pass is always 1 for passed and 0 for failed (if not, use CASE inside the sums):

    select B.Name,

    count(distinct T.Id) as 'Tran Count',

    count(I.Id) as 'Item Count',

    sum(I.Pass) as ItemsPass,

    sum(1 - I.Pass) as ItemsFail

    from Transactions T join Branch B on T.BranchId = B.Id

    join Items I on T.Id = I.TransactionId

    group by B.Name



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