Count of entries & grouped by month - extracted from a date

  • hiya amazing people

    I need some help with the query below.

    I need to see the breakdown of entries by month but the [RecvdDate] has a datatype of (varchar,null) & the date appears something like 2019-05-31 for example.


    COUNT(ID) AS 'Total Entries - 2019'




    [RecvdDate] BETWEEN '2019-01-01' AND '2019-05-31'

    AND LogType = 'Tech'

    AND (Category = 'Lappy Fix' OR Category = 'Phone Fix')

    I want to see reults like below in SQL.

    Total Entries               MONTH

    100                                January 2019

    200                               February 2019

    300                               March 2019

    Can someone please help me with this?

    Thanks in advance for your help. 🙂

  • Any reason for not changing [RecvdDate] to a Date?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Sorry, can't make any changes to datatypes, columns in the DB.

  • sqlguru1day wrote:

    Sorry, can't make any changes to datatypes, columns in the DB.

    This will run like a slug (because no indexes can be used), but try

    CAST(RecvdDate AS Date) BETWEEN '20190101' AND '20190531'

    Noting that most people avoid the use of BETWEEN and use

    date >= StartDate and date < EndDate


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Hi Phil

    Thanks, heaps for your response.

    It's not that bad as in speed-wise, the table is tiny.

    But, how do I split that by Month? I think I would need a sub-query or something else in the Select clause to get the Month Column?

    SELECT COUNT(ID) AS 'Total Entries - 2019'

    FROM [Log]

    WHERE CAST(RecvdDate AS Date) BETWEEN '20190101' AND '20190531'

    AND LogType = 'Tech'

    AND (Category = 'Lappy Fix' OR Category = 'Phone Fix')

    Result Should look like below:

    Total Entries                        MONTH

    100                                         January 2019

    200                                        February 2019

    300                                        March 2019

    Please let me know if I am missing any info here.

    Thank you.

  • You need to add a GROUP BY

    SELECT  DATENAME(MONTH, CAST(RecvdDate AS Date)) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), YEAR(CAST(RecvdDate AS Date))) AS 'MonthName'
    , COUNT(ID) AS 'Total Entries - 2019'
    FROM [Log]
    WHERE CAST(RecvdDate AS date) BETWEEN '20190101' AND '20190531'
    AND LogType = 'Tech'
    AND ( Category = 'Lappy Fix' OR Category = 'Phone Fix' )
    GROUP BY DATENAME(MONTH, CAST(RecvdDate AS Date)) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), YEAR(CAST(RecvdDate AS Date)));
  • SELECT MonthCount AS [Total Entries],
    DATENAME(MONTH, RecvdMonth) + ' ' + CAST(YEAR(RecvdMonth) AS varchar(4)) AS MONTH

    FROM (


    DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, RecvdDate), 0) AS RecvdMonth,
    COUNT(ID) AS MonthCount




    [RecvdDate] BETWEEN '2019-01-01' AND '2019-05-31'

    AND LogType = 'Tech'

    AND Category IN ('Lappy Fix', 'Phone Fix')


    ) AS derived

    ORDER BY RecvdMonth

    Ordering by the name of the month won't work past March, it's safer to use the month date to sort on.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".


    That works - thanks heaps for that.

    Last question - how do I order it by MonthName? At the moment its displaying April First - whereas I want to display it in a monthly order? Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr and so on!

    Tried ORDER By MONTHNAME ; Doesn't work - thanks 🙂

    MonthName                  Total Entries - 2019

    April 2019                      1146

    February 2019              1293

    January 2019                1756

    March 2019                   1138

    May 2019                       1277

  • Perfect mate!

    Legend - Thanks heaps & that's ordered correctly too 🙂



  • A useful idiom is a report period calendar. It gives a name to a range of dates. The worst way would be to use temporal math; it tells the world you do not think in sets or understand declarative programming yet. Here is a skeleton:

    CREATE TABLE Report_Periods

    (report_name CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    report_start_date DATE NOT NULL,

    report_end_date DATE NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT date_ordering

    CHECK (report_start_date <= report_end_date),

    ordinal_period INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE

    CHECK(ordinal_period > 0)


    These report periods can overlap; a fiscal quarter will be contained in the range of its fiscal year. I like the MySQL convention of using double zeroes for months and years, That is 'yyyy-mm-00' for a month within a year and 'yyyy-00-00' for the whole year. The advantage is that it will sort with the ISO-8601 data format required by Standard SQL. Remember that when you design report name column.

    Please post DDL and follow ANSI/ISO standards when asking for help. 

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