Count of Distinct Records

  • The key is to use the DISTINCT qualifier on the fields that you want distinct values for.

    For example, I have a list of Customer orders and want to know how many distinct PONumbers I have for each customer, from a detailed list of POItems (where there can be duplicate PO numbers for multiple items):



    , CustomerNumber

    FROM POItems



    returns for me a count of distinct PONumbers for each CustomerNumber. You can also use the DISTINCT qualifier in other functions as well, such as SUM ( DISTINCT TotalPrice ). You just use the DISTINCT qualifier for the fields that you want grouped as a distinct values.

    There is no need to use any additional GROUP qualifier unless you are including other non-aggregrated fields (like I did with CustomerNumber in my example).

    It's pretty cool! 😛

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  • Toni

    Agreed that @@Rowcount will give you the desired result.

    However you have to "select @@Rowcount" after the query .

    This will give 2 result sets , first the result set of the query and next one the count. So you end up manipulating 2 result sets instead of one for the same thing.

    I would like to believe that the count(col1) and @@rowcount are treated the same way inside SQL. However not sure on this point.

    "Keep Trying"

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