January 16, 2006 at 5:15 am
I have a problem with my sp. If a car is inactive you can create a new post withe the same regnr again. If this is happen and i does ofen, my sp get wrong.
The tables can you see here --> http://www.cyren.no/diagram3.gif
Here you can see the output(wrong) http://www.cyren.no/ods/
Can anybody help me?
*************** MY SP ***********************
@datoFOM datetime,
@datoTOM datetime,
@avdeling int
Declare @period as datetime
Set @period = @datoFOM
drop table #temp
drop table #temp2
--SET dateformat dmy
drop table #periods
Select @period as dato
into #periods
while @Period < @datoTOM
Select @Period = dateadd(month,1,@period)
Insert into #periods
Select @period
SELECT fkbravdeling, a.SiOppForsikringFra,
case when year(b.dato) = year(gjelderFra) and month(b.dato) = month(gjelderFra) then
end as gjelderfra, a.Regnr
into #temp
cyren.tblbiler a
(select distinct cast('01' + datename(month, gjelderFra) + cast(year( gjelderFra) as varchar) as datetime) as dato from cyren.tblbiler) b
on b.dato between cast('01' + datename(month, gjelderFra) + cast(year( gjelderFra) as varchar) as datetime) and coalesce(SiOppForsikringFra,'01jan2050')
join #periods c
on b.dato = c.dato
select *
into #temp2
SELECT anavn,
case when month(SiOppForsikringFra) = month(gjelderfra) and year(SiOppForsikringFra) = year(gjelderfra)then
DateDiff(d, gjelderfra, SiOppForsikringFra) +1
DateDiff(d, gjelderfra,
dateadd(day, -1, '01' + datename(month, dateadd(month,1, gjelderfra)) + cast(year(dateadd(month,1, gjelderfra)) as varchar)) +1
  as AntDays,
'Antall aktive biler denne måned' as regnr, count(*) as AntCars,
year(gjelderfra) as [year], month(gjelderfra) as [month],
datename(month,gjelderfra) + ' ' + cast(year(gjelderfra) as varchar) as dato,
2 as [order]
#temp a join
on FKBRAvdeling=AID
WHERE fkbravdeling=@avdeling AND gjelderfra between @datoFOM and @datoTOM
group by anavn, month(gjelderfra), year(gjelderfra), datename(month,gjelderfra) + ' ' + cast(year(gjelderfra) as varchar)
) a
SELECT anavn,
case when month(SiOppForsikringFra) = month(gjelderfra) and year(SiOppForsikringFra) = year(gjelderfra)then
DateDiff(d, gjelderfra, SiOppForsikringFra) +1
DateDiff(d, gjelderfra,
dateadd(day, -1, '01' + datename(month, dateadd(month,1, gjelderfra)) + cast(year(dateadd(month,1, gjelderfra)) as varchar)) + 1
end AntDays,
Regnr, 1 as AntCars ,year(gjelderfra) as [year], month(gjelderfra) as [month],
datename(month,gjelderfra) + ' ' + cast(year(gjelderfra) as varchar) as dato,
1 as [order]
#temp a join
cyren.tblAvdeling b
on FKBRAvdeling=AID
WHERE fkbravdeling=@avdeling AND gjelderfra between @datoFOM and @datoTOM
SELECT a.*, BID, GjelderFra, SiOppForsikringFra, Aktiv
FROM #Temp2 a
left join cyren.tblbiler b
on a.regnr = b.regnr and b.Fkbravdeling=@avdeling--Denne er kun hvis den skal kjøres på avdeling
order by anavn, [year], [month], [order]
January 19, 2006 at 8:00 am
This was removed by the editor as SPAM
January 19, 2006 at 8:46 am
Hello Mario (or Morten?),
Unfortunately I don't understand what precisely the procedure should do and what is wrong with the result. PLease try to be more explicit about the desired result and the problems you encounter.
Diagram of a table is better than nothing, but it does not tell what columns are relevant for the query, what is their meaning and what values there can be. Best would be to post a CREATE statement for the table (including only columns that are necessary) and a few INSERT INTO statements to fill tables with data. Make sure you include such combination that will show the problem. Then, if you post, what your procedure does (result when run with the posted set of data) and what the result should be, we can create the environment on our server and look for a solution.
Also, I'd like to warn you, that the link to "wrong result" either starts the procedure on your server, or transmits data from some HUGE table, or there is some other problem why it hangs. I wouldn't advise anyone to click on this link, since it clutters up the communication channels and runs quite long (I canceled it after some time). It would be better to remove this link and post results based on a small set of data directly here - not as a link.
BTW, just being curious, what language is it? Danish? Swedish? Norwegian?
January 19, 2006 at 9:06 am
It's Norwegian, Vladan.
(quite similar to Swedish, a bit farther away from Danish)
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