Count day pr mont, year

  • Hi Again Aaron!

    I have some problems with this query. Will you still help me?

    In the test db i have following data (2 cars)

    1 22 YT51294 26 234 1 2001 1,0 0 1 5000 196 2003-01-01 00:00:00.000 10 2003-01-01 00:00:00.000 NEI NULL NULL 2003-01-15 00:00:00.000 NULL NULL

    6386 22 CE59667 26 234 1 2001 1,0 0 1 5000 196 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 10 2003-01-01 00:00:00.000 JA NULL NULL 2003-02-15 00:00:00.000 NULL NULL

    The output give this:

    158 lines with the same result for each department(ANavn/FKBRAvdeling)

    It copies january and February for alle departments.

    ************** SCRIPT ARE NOW LIKE THIS ***********

     SET dateformat dmy

    Declare @datoFOM datetime

    Declare @datoTOM datetime

    -- The period

    Set @datoFOM = '01.01.2003'

    Set @datoTOM = '28.02.2003'

    -- Get a listing of every month to be summarized


     drop table #Months


     drop table #DataRows

    Create table #Months ( MonthGroup smalldatetime, MonthName varchar(25), ANAvn varchar(50)  )

    INSERT INTO #Months


                            CONVERT( smalldatetime, '01.'

                                                    + CONVERT( varchar, DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) )

                                                    + '.'

                                                    + CONVERT( varchar, DATEPART( year, GjelderFra) ))

                                        AS MonthGroup,

                            case when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 1 then 'Januar'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 2 then 'Februar'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 3 then 'Mars'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 4 then 'April'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 5 then 'Mai'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 6 then 'Juni'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 7 then 'Juli'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 8 then 'August'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 9 then 'September'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 10 then 'Oktober'

                                        when DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) = 11 then 'November'

                                        else 'Desember'

                                        end AS MonthName

                            , ANAvn

                FROM marsh_HKL.tblhertzkorttidsleiebiler, marsh_HKL.tblhertzkorttidsleieAvdeling

                WHERE FKBRAvdeling=AID --AND GjelderFra between @datoFOM and @datoTOM

    --Now fill in the missing months.

    INSERT INTO #Months

                 SELECT MonthsTable.TheMonth AS MonthGroup,

                            case when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 1 then 'Januar'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 2 then 'Februar'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 3 then 'Mars'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 4 then 'April'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 5 then 'Mai'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 6 then 'Juni'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 7 then 'Juli'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 8 then 'August'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 9 then 'September'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 10 then 'Oktober'

                                        when DATEPART( month, MonthsTable.TheMonth ) = 11 then 'November'

                                        else 'Desember'

                                        end AS MonthName

                               , AN.ANAvn

                               FROM marsh_HKL.tblhertzkorttidsleieAvdeling AN, MonthsTable

                              WHERE MonthsTable.TheMonth >= @datoFOM

                                           AND MonthsTable.TheMonth <= @datoTOM

                                           AND MonthsTable.TheMonth NOT IN ( SELECT MonthGroup FROM #Months Mth WHERE Mth.ANAvn = AN.ANAvn )

    --Pull the data rows into a temporary table since we will be using the results as the 2nd logical row and then re-using the

    --same results in subselects for the 3rd logical row. This is therefore being placed into a temporary table for both

    --programming convenience and for performance improvement.

    Create table #DataRows ( RowLabel varchar(100), BID int

                , Regnr varchar(7), ANavn varchar(50), GjelderFra datetime

                , SiOppForsikringFra datetime, Aktiv varchar(3), AntDays int

                , MonthGroup datetime, RowType tinyint )

    INSERT INTO #DataRows


                            ''AS RowLabel

                            , BID

                            , Regnr

                            , ANavn

                            , GjelderFra

                            , SiOppForsikringFra

                            , Aktiv

                            , CASE WHEN SiOppForsikringFra is null THEN

                                                    DateDiff(d, GjelderFra, getdate())


                                            DateDiff(d, GjelderFra, SioppForsikringFra)

                                        END AS AntDays

                            , CONVERT( smalldatetime, '01.' + CONVERT( varchar, DATEPART( month, GjelderFra ) ) + '.' + CONVERT( varchar, DATEPART( year, GjelderFra ) )) AS MonthGroup

                            , 2 AS RowType

                FROM marsh_HKL.tblhertzkorttidsleiebiler,


                WHERE FKBRAvdeling=AID --AND GjelderFra between @datoFOM and @datoTOM



     MonthGroup, SiOppForsikringFra

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    --Get the 0th logical row (the department header)

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(100), 'Avdeling ' + ANAvn ) AS RowLabel

                            , CONVERT( int, 0 ) AS BID

                            , CONVERT( varchar(7), '' ) AS Regnr

                            , ANavn

                            , CONVERT( datetime, MonthGroup ) AS GjelderFra

                            , CONVERT( datetime, MonthGroup ) AS SiOppForsikringFra

                            , CONVERT( varchar(3), '' ) AS Aktiv

                            , CONVERT( int, 0 ) AS AntDays

                            , CONVERT( datetime, '1/1/1753' ) AS MonthGroup

                            , CONVERT( tinyint, 1 ) AS RowType

                FROM #Months


    --Get the 1st logical row (the month header)

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(100), MonthName + ' ' + CONVERT( varchar, DATEPART( year, MonthGroup ) ) ) AS RowLabel

                            , CONVERT( int, 0 ) AS BID

                            , CONVERT( varchar(7), '' ) AS Regnr

                            , Anavn

                            , CONVERT( datetime, MonthGroup ) AS GjelderFra

                            , CONVERT( datetime, MonthGroup ) AS SiOppForsikringFra

                            , CONVERT( varchar(3), '' ) AS Aktiv

                            , CONVERT( int, 0 ) AS AntDays

                            , MonthGroup AS MonthGroup

                            , CONVERT( tinyint, 1 ) AS RowType

                FROM #Months


    --Get the 2nd logical row ( all the actual data rows)

    SELECT * FROM #DataRows


    --Get the 3rd logical row ( summary data )

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(100), 'Totalt ' + MonthName

                                        + ' '

                                        + CONVERT( varchar, ( SELECT SUM( AntDays ) FROM #DataRows DR WHERE DR.MonthGroup = Mth.MonthGroup OR ( DR.MonthGroup < Mth.MonthGroup AND ISNULL( DR.SiOppForsikringFra, GetDate() ) >= Mth.MonthGroup) AND DR.ANAvn = Mth.ANAvn ) )

                                        + ' dager '

                                        + CONVERT( varchar, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #DataRows DR WHERE DR.MonthGroup = Mth.MonthGroup OR ( DR.MonthGroup < Mth.MonthGroup AND ISNULL( DR.SiOppForsikringFra, GetDate() ) >= Mth.MonthGroup) AND DR.ANAvn = Mth.ANAvn ) )

                                        + ' biler '

                                        ) AS RowLabel

                            , CONVERT( int, 0 ) AS BID

                            , CONVERT( varchar(7), '' ) AS Regnr

                            , Anavn

                            , CONVERT( datetime, MonthGroup ) AS GjelderFra

                            , CONVERT( datetime, MonthGroup ) AS SiOppForsikringFra

                            , CONVERT( varchar(3), '' ) AS Aktiv

                            , CONVERT( int, 0 ) AS AntDays

                            , MonthGroup AS MonthGroup

                            , 1 AS RowType

                FROM #Months Mth

    ORDER BY ANavn, MonthGroup, RowType


     drop table #Months


     drop table #DataRows

Viewing post 46 (of 45 total)

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