Count all Rows in all Tables

  • How can I get the count of all rows in all tables? I need to be able to see how many rows there are in each table within my database.

  • You could reference sysobjects table (for table objects) and incorporate that with the ForEachDB (I have seen this posted here before don't remember exact syntax)  and build dynamic SQL to provide the rowcounts.

    OR you could look at sysindexes and this will provide approximate rowcounts.

    You can research more in BOL for sysobjects and sysindexes

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • sp_MSforeachtable will help do what you are looking for.


    Someone passed this on to me at this site. Search for it and you will see the code to do exactly what you want.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Try this:

    exec sp_MSforeachtable "print '?' SELECT Count(*) FROM ? "

    Another simple way is to run the following script, which generates all of your SELECT statements. Then, cut and paste the resulting code and run it.

    SELECT 'SELECT Count(*) FROM ' + name

      FROM sysobjects

     WHERE type = 'U'

     ORDER BY name

  • if you are worried about performance you can use this :

    exec sp_MsForEachTable 'Select ''?'' as TableName, max(rowcnt) as Total from dbo.sysindexes where id = object_id(''?'') and indid < 2'

    This query scan the sysindexes table and read the rowcount instead of doing a full index scan of the table (which takes a lot more time than to do if you have a lot of rows)

    The downside of this method is that if you need an exact value and that the statistic of the table are not correct you can get a false reading (from a few rows from my experience).

  • I think I found this script on this web site:

    --List Table Names and Sizes

    declare @id int   

    declare @type character(2)   

    declare @pages int   

    declare @dbname sysname

    declare @dbsize dec(15,0)

    declare @bytesperpage dec(15,0)

    declare @pagesperMB  dec(15,0)

    create table #spt_space


     objid  int null,

     rows  int null,

     reserved dec(15) null,

     data  dec(15) null,

     indexp  dec(15) null,

     unused  dec(15) null


    set nocount on

    -- Create a cursor to loop through the user tables

    declare c_tables cursor for

    select id

    from sysobjects

    where xtype = 'U'

    open c_tables

    fetch next from c_tables

    into @id

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     /* Code from sp_spaceused */

     insert into #spt_space (objid, reserved)

      select objid = @id, sum(reserved)

       from sysindexes

        where indid in (0, 1, 255)

         and id = @id

     select @pages = sum(dpages)

       from sysindexes

        where indid < 2

         and id = @id

     select @pages = @pages + isnull(sum(used), 0)

      from sysindexes

       where indid = 255

        and id = @id

     update #spt_space

      set data = @pages

     where objid = @id

     /* index: sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) - data */

     update #spt_space

      set indexp = (select sum(used)

        from sysindexes

        where indid in (0, 1, 255)

        and id = @id)

           - data

      where objid = @id

     /* unused: sum(reserved) - sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) */

     update #spt_space

      set unused = reserved

        - (select sum(used)

         from sysindexes

          where indid in (0, 1, 255)

          and id = @id)

      where objid = @id

     update #spt_space

      set rows = i.rows

       from sysindexes i

        where i.indid < 2

        and = @id

        and objid = @id

     fetch next from c_tables

     into @id


    select  TableName = (select left(name,60) from sysobjects where id = objid),

     Rows = convert(char(11), rows),

     ReservedKB = ltrim(str(reserved * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ' ' + 'KB'),

     DataKB = ltrim(str(data * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ' ' + 'KB'),

     IndexSizeKB = ltrim(str(indexp * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ' ' + 'KB'),

     UnusedKB = ltrim(str(unused * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ' ' + 'KB')


    from  #spt_space, master.dbo.spt_values d

    where  d.number = 1

    and  d.type = 'E'

    order by reserved desc

    drop table #spt_space

    close c_tables

    deallocate c_tables



    Michael Lee

  • Of course, the use of the data will decide the code you need to write. I put together some web pages to give this type of data to some of my users that need to know.

    This is a portion of the code used on the backend to provide this data to them.

    I added the temp table code here since the actual table names mean nothing.

    set nocount on

    declare @command varchar(250)

    declare @table varchar(250)

    declare @@noOfRows int

    declare @q char(1)

    set @q = char(39)

    drop table ##rowCount

    create table ##rowCount ( [tableName] varchar(250) NOT NULL ,

          [rowsInTable] int NOT NULL default 0 )

    drop table #tables

    select [name]

    into #tables

    from sysobjects

    where xtype = 'u'

    while exists ( select * from #tables )


     select @table = ( select top 1 name from #tables )

     delete from #tables where name = @table

     insert into ##rowCount ( [tableName] ) values ( rtrim(@table) )

     set @command = 'update ##rowCount set rowsInTable = (select count(*) from ['+rtrim(@table)+']) where tableName = '+@q+rtrim(@table)+@q

     execute (@command)


    select sum(rowsInTable) from ##rowCount

    select rowsInTable , tableName from ##rowCount

  • Quick question,

    for the first exec sp_msforeachtable, what do you put in for the '?'

  • sp_MSforeachtable is un-documented so be aware of that.  The behavior might change in future versions.  And Jennifer, you do not need to put anything for the ?.  That is just a placeholder and will iterate through the list of all the tables, print out the name of that table followed by the number of records in it.

    Another SQL to quickly count the number of records is shown below - The results of this sql depends upon whether the statistics have been kept up-to-date with the passage of time since it uses the sysindexes table to get the total count of records.

    select  substring(, 1, 30) Table_Name ,i.rows  Number_of_Rows

    from  sysobjects o 

    inner join sysindexes i 

    on ( =

    where  o.xtype = 'u' 

    and i.indid < 2

    order by


  • my favorite method to achieve this is:

    dbcc showcontig with tableresults, no_infomsgs

    Look at the "ROWS" column where indid = 1


    * Noel

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