Couldn''t grab the data I want. Please Help.

  • I have 4 tables

    Product - ProdID, ProdName

    Location - LocID, LocName

    ProdLoc- PLID, ProdID, LocID (connecting Product and Location)

    Test - TID, PLID, Other Misc data

    In ProdLoc, my ProdID and LocID might be blank or with '-'

    If I am to grab all Test Record, how do I call my query and displaying all Test Record data, ProdName and LocName? My Test table only have the PLID but I wish to get the ProdName and LocName.

    My current query only extracts all data where ProdID/LocID in ProdLoc is not equals to '-'

  • Can you post a sample ddl with some data?

  • Also, please be careful to include examples with '-', so that we know whether that is the full field, or the '-' is part of the field's value. (Hence the request for both DDL and sample data)

  • My same data and query are as follows:

    ProdLoc Table


    ProdLocID, ProductID, LocationID

    1, -, 23

    2,112, 24

    3, 115, 24

    Product Table


    ProductID, ProductName

    112, ABC

    115, DEF

    Location Table


    LocationID, LocationName

    22, HumanResource

    23, Engineering

    24, Marketing

    Test Table


    TestID, ProdLocID

    31, 1

    32, 2

    33, 3

    SELECT test.TestID, location.LocationName, product.ProductName

    FROM Test as test

    INNER JOIN ProdLoc AS prodLoc ON test.ProdLocID = prodLoc.ProdLocID

    INNER JOIN Product AS product ON prodstat.ProductID = product.ProductID

    INNER JOIN Location AS location ON ProdLoc.LocationID = location.LocationID

    This query returns me:

    TestID, LocationName, ProductName

    2, Marketing, ABC

    3, Marketing, DEF

    SELECT test.testID, product.ProductName, location.LocationnName from Test test, ProdLoc prodloc, Product product, Location location WHERE

    test.ProdLocID = prodloc.ProdLocID AND prodloc.ProductID = "-" and prodloc.LocationID = location.LocationID

    This query returns me:

    TestID LocationName ProductName

    31, HumanResource, ABC

    31, HumanResource, DEF

    My problem lies where I wish to extract all information from Test table and if the query detects that there is a '-' in the ProductID entry in ProdLoc table, it will returns me the followings:

    TestID, LocationName, ProductName

    32, Marketing, ABC

    33, Marketing, DEF

    31, HumanResource, -

  • You need to do left joins into the Prod and Loc tables:

    SELECT test.TestID, ISNULL(location.LocationName, '-'), INULL(product.ProductName, '-')

    FROM Test as test

    INNER JOIN ProdLoc AS prodLoc ON test.ProdLocID = prodLoc.ProdLocID

    LEFT JOIN Product AS product ON prodstat.ProductID = product.ProductID

    LEFT JOIN Location AS location ON ProdLoc.LocationID = location.LocationID

    should do what you're looking for (hopefully). Have to figure out the HTML codes to make it look pretty. This assumes that every row in test has a corresponding row in ProdLoc (or you'll need to left join on that was well).

    Greg Walker

  • Thanks a lot. I got this correct.

    SELECT test.TestID, IFNULL(location.LocationName, '-'), IFNULL(product.ProductName, '-')

    FROM Test as test

    INNER JOIN ProdLoc AS ProdLoc ON test.ProdLocID = prodLoc.ProdLocID

    LEFT JOIN Product AS product ON ProdLoc.ProductID = product.ProductID

    LEFT JOIN Location AS location ON ProdLoc.LocationID = location.LocationID

    I am using Borland c++ to do my query and display it on the form. However, I cannot manage to display the productname/stationname in the form. It gives me an empty field. The query is correct if I run it in my console. Anyone knows how to solve this? I am displaying the table using TDBGrid's columns and prefix these columns according to the table attributes I want.

  • Thanks a lot. I got this correct.

    SELECT test.TestID, IFNULL(location.LocationName, '-'), IFNULL(product.ProductName, '-')

    FROM Test as test

    INNER JOIN ProdLoc AS ProdLoc ON test.ProdLocID = prodLoc.ProdLocID

    LEFT JOIN Product AS product ON ProdLoc.ProductID = product.ProductID

    LEFT JOIN Location AS location ON ProdLoc.LocationID = location.LocationID

    I am using Borland c++ to do my query and display it on the form. However, I cannot manage to display the productname/stationname in the form. It gives me an empty field. The query is correct if I run it in my console. Anyone knows how to solve this? I am displaying the table using TDBGrid's columns and prefix these columns according to the table attributes I want.

  • SELECT test.TestID, IFNULL(location.LocationName, '-') AS LocationName, IFNULL(product.ProductName, '-') AS ProductName

    FROM Test as test

  • Thanks. This also works if I use in my SQL query browser.

    I am using Borland Database library to display these data and I am using DBGrid. However, I get (MEMO) instead of the data I want.

  • Your basic problem is that your data is corrupt. The ProdLoc table is an intersection (or "glue") table which implements a many-to-many relationship between the Product and Location tables (any one product may be located at (or shipped from) many locations and any one location may contain (or supply) many products). So ProdLoc(ProductID) should be a foreign key reference to Product(ProductID) and ProdLoc(LocationID) should be a foreign key reference to Location(LocationID). So the row containing the "-" is invalid. That it even exists shows you have not defined the relationships properly.

    Get all the relationships properly defined and, amazingly, these little pesky problems will disappear.

    Plus, I really don't understand the role the test table plays in all this. It would seem to be nothing more than a duplicate of the ProdLoc table. In your example you are even using it in place of the ProdLoc table. Does it have a purpose the ProdLoc table cannot perform?

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

  • Yes, you are correct. My ProcLoc table is used to overcome the M to M relationship between Product and Location. My Test table however, is used to hold test datas, test results, test durations and other relevant information regarding each test for products/location.

    Certain TEST can be implemented on product AND location but certain TEST are only for certain location/product. Therefore, the ProductID or LocationID inside ProcLoc can be '-'.

    My query is correct. Just that in Borland c++, the data displayed is in (MEMO) instead of the ProductName I want.

  • NVM guys. I've solved my problems. It's Borland C++ DBGrid's problem. Not my query problem.

    Thanks for all the help! ^_^

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